Chapter 2

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When sky holds both sun and moon...


My mother was standing at the window, gently dusting the various tools and metalwork that we had kept up on display. Normally, she would enjoy helping the apprentices in the forge. My father was like Ebron when it came to their attitude towards those working under them; not the most appealingly motivating. My mother tended to maintain morale in the forge when the apprentices were around. However, she was very heavily pregnant at the moment, her belly swelling to an uncomfortable extent. I would always wonder at how she managed to stay upright, carrying that much mass. I had overheard some of the midwives saying that she should give birth to my new baby sister sometime this month. A small smile appears on my face at the thought of the new baby. I always wanted a younger sibling. I wanted to play with them like my brother used to play with me. I wanted to guide them as they grew older... like my brother should have when I grew older. My smile fades.

"Hello, Theron."

I raise my eyes from the floor to meet my mother's gaze. She had calming, silver eyes and a gentle face. She stood at around five feet and 8 inches in height and had long, gracefully arced horns adding another twelve inches to her height. Her tail was about five feet long and was generally stretched out nowadays. She claimed it helped her balance her swollen belly but I found that hard to believe.

"Hello, mother," I say, smiling lightly. "How are you feeling?"

She shrugs. "No different from this morning." She places a hand on her belly and looks at it. "She seems to be very active, though," she continues with a light smile. "Been kicking all day, haven't you?" She asks, teasing her active, unborn child.

My smile grows and I take a step forward. Then I freeze. About a year ago, I would go up to my mother and rest my head against her stomach to try and hear the baby. However, as my unpopularity grew in the village, the midwives would recommend my mother to keep me away from the child, claiming my curse may be contagious. My mother had not entirely listened, refusing to push me away. Yet, I could feel her reluctance whenever I went near her and I could see the hesitance in her eyes as she saw me draw closer. I swallow and step back.

"Your father spoke with you?" My mother asks.

I take a deep breath, preparing myself for this conversation.

"Yes, he wanted to give me some advice," I reply, making sure my voice was emotionless.

My mother looks at me again, her expression growing sadder.

"He told me to grow stronger or kill myself."

A pause. My mother looked at me. I looked at her. Neither of us moved. Neither of us changed our expressions. Then my mother sighs and sets down her duster. She slowly stretches, placing her hands near her lower back and sticking her belly out.

"He should not have said that."

She picks up her duster again and returns to dusting the metal.

"Do you intend to listen to his advice?" She asks, her face emotionless.
"I want to grow stronger," I reply.
"I have no one to teach me."

The duster's motion stops. She glances at me out of the corner of her eyes.

"Your brother did not have anyone to teach him to be strong," she says gently.
"I am not my brother," I reply, a sad frown slowly masking my face.
"No, you are not... but you are the child of two very strong people."

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