Welcome to Hogwarts

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[It is nighttime at Hogsmeade station, the train blows its whistle and pulls into outside the station. Hagrid walks along the side aisle, with a lantern. People, in their robes, begin pouring out of the train.]

Hagrid: Right, then! First years! This way, please! Come on, now, don't be shy! Come on now, hurry up!

[Hattie and Ron, now in their robes, walk up to Hagrid.]

Hagrid: Hello, Hattie.

Hattie: Hey, Hagrid.

Ron: Whoaa!

Hagrid: Right then. This way to the boats! Come on, now, follow me.

[Later, a large number of boats are plugging across a vast lake, where up ahead there is a huge castle, known as the Hogwarts Castle, can be seen. People are in awe.]

Everyone in the room is in awe I still in amazed Hattie says Mione Ron and Ollie nodded.

Ron: Wicked.
[They continue on further towards the castle. Later on, the first year students walk in the castle, and up the staircase. As the camera pans, we see on a higher level, Professor McGonagall is waiting. She taps her fingers on a stone railing, and then goes to the top of the stairs to greet the newcomers.]

She looks like a lady you don't want to cross Klaus said the golden trio nodded

McGonagall: Welcome to Hogwarts. Now, in a few moments, you will pass through these doors and join your classmates. But before you can take your seats, you must be sorted into your houses. They are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. Now while you're here, your house will be like your family. Your triumphs will earn you house points. Any rule breaking, and you will lose points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points is awarded the house cup.

What does the house mean Tyler asked them, Gryffindor house is known for courage, chivalry, nerve and determination, Hufflepuff house is known for strong sense of justice, loyalty, patience, and a propensity for hard work Ravenclaw is known for cleverness, wisdom, wit, intellectual ability and creativity and slytherin is known for ambition, resourcefulness, determination, and cleverness Hermione said and everyone nodded. what house where you in Hattie Jeremy asked you will see soon she smiled at him.

[A scared looking boy called Neville Longbottom, spots his toad sitting near McGonagall. He jumps forward.]

Neville: Trevor! [he catches his toad; McGonagall stares down at him as some of the students laugh] Sorry. [He backs away, embarrassed.]

Hattie giggles at her godbrother

McGonagall: The sorting ceremony will begin momentarily. [she leaves to go into the Great Hall]
[A young evil looking boy, with short blonde hair, called Draco Malfoy, speaks up.]

Ron and Hattie laughed while Hermione and Oliver just shook their heads What's so funny Kol asked Just watch Hattie said giggling

Draco: It's true then, what they're saying on the train. Hattie Potter has come to Hogwarts. [some of the students are heard whispering, "Hattie Potter?" Draco introduces his two friends.] This is Crabbe and Goyle. And I'm Malfoy...Draco Malfoy. [Ron snickers at his name] Think my name's funny, do you? No need to ask yours. Red hair, and a hand-me-down robe? You must be a Weasley. You'll soon find that some wizarding families are better than others, Potter. Don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort. I can help you there. [extends his hand to Hattie.]

Hattie: [not going to take Draco's arrogance] I think I can tell who the wrong sort are for myself, thanks.

That was great Kol told her Hattie smiled at hi I'll stick up for my friends she said, That was mean Hattie Elena yelled Hattie rolled her eyes no it wasn't I wasn't going to stand there and let him embarrass my best Friend Ron smiled at her. Oliver and Kol looked at her lovingly

[Draco glares. McGonagall returns and taps Draco on the shoulder with a paper. He leaves Hattie with one last glare.]

McGonagall: We're ready for you now. Follow me.

Hattie paled remember she was almost sorted into Slytherin wondering what Oliver would think. Kol pulled her to sit in between his legs and started to play with her hair Oliver is getting slightly jealous Hattie seen that and giggled she patted her legs and he laid his head down on her legs and she was playing with his hair. Kol smiled down at her. The Mikaelosons look at their brother never seen him like this.

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