little darling, you are my heart

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one microscopic cell, equivocal to a seed

i make my core the earth that cradles you

soft, warm dirt seems to be your universe

but only for a time, my child, not forever

for now you remain nestled deep, a precious stone

a shining treasure so far undiscovered

you must be patient, and you must be careful

soak up the rains that seep into your earth

but be wary of steps which make you tremble

they lead so many places and will linger as well

but there are very few places they truly call home

know that feeling, my little love, that sense

that tells you everything is all right

orientate yourself while you can do so passively

to make it just a little easier later on

if you ever find yourself apart from me

and wanting to return, just know when to stop

after you have been walking for ages

only sensing the vaguest path beneath you

just know that feeling when it surrounds you

as though you never needed to learn it

be still, little darling, as i wish that i had

know yourself and know your place

whatever and wherever that shall be

make it yours, so resolute and undeniable

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