Bang Chan- Concerts and Roses

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You and Bang Chan were both very busy this time of year. Never helped that the relationship is long distance. It was concert season for him and for you it was the time of year when all your friends were preparing for their anniversaries and/or dates in general. This meant since you're nearly as free as a bird, babysitting was starting to fit into your schedule. Some of your friends had children and you always made time to help out. Although you did still work, your boss is very kind. You worked when you were available and your pay was doubled until you could work regularly. Double the pay plus the money your friends would pay you to babysit was amazing this time around.

The boys would ask you if you were coming to any of the concerts. Usually you would say yes, however this time your answer was a hard no. This is because you wanted to surprise them. Funny enough your 3 year anniversary with Chan was just around the corner. You already had everything planned out. The outfit, makeup, what show you were attending. To really enhance the effect of the surprise and experience you picked a city that wasn't very close. Everything had to be perfect.

You watched the front door preparing for a knock. You were babysitting your best friend's daughter while her and her husband went out on a date. You let out a sigh turning your attention to the 2 year old drawing in front of you. "What are you drawing Mia?" You asked her.

"I'm drawing a unicorn!" She spoke loudly in excitement. Although half the sentence was slightly babbled. You laughed bringing your index finger up to your lips as a way of telling her to use her inside voice. "Can I see?" You asked the child. Mia violently shook her head. "It's a surprise." She said in a hushed voice turning her attention to the paper in front of her.

You smiled softly at her. As it inched closer and closer to time for Mia to be picked up, you started to clean up any messes that were made. You even made sure Mia's bag was packed and ready to go. You heard a knock at the door as soon as you finished picking up. You took a glance at Mia before opening the door.

"Hey Jihyo." You greeted seeing your bestie on the other end of the door.
"Hi!" She exclaimed walking inside. She saw her daughter focused on drawing and took the opportunity to talk to you. "Soooo," She started dragging the word.

"When are you leaving for the concert. Leaving the day of, night before? What's the plan?" Jihyo asked taking her shoes off.

"I'm hoping to arrive at the hotel the night tomorrow afternoon. I want as little chances to run into the boys as possible." You responded to the question leaning against the closed front door. Jihyo smiled at your response. You both walked further into the house to the living room where Mia was.

"Mia, momma's here!" You called catching the little girl's attention. She turned her head and immediately ran when she saw her mother. You watched as Jihyo lifted her into the air whilst asking if she had fun spending time with you. Mia excitedly nodded and pointed to the drawing on the table. "For Y/N." Mia babbled. You smiled happily and picked up the drawing holding it close. "I'll cherish it forever." You smiled bigger causing Mia to smile along with you.

"We should get going now." Jihyo said steadily putting her daughter back on the ground. Mia went to put her shoes on while her mom stayed behind for a minute. "Good luck. Get there safely." Jihyo quietly told you pulling you into a hug. You nodded releasing the hug.

You watched as your friend's car pulled away from your house before closing the door. You made sure everything was packed and ready to go from your basic travel toiletries to the light stick for the concert. You're phone rang snapping you out of you're half focused state.

"Hello." You said picking up the call.
"Hi." Said a familiar Aussie accent. You smiled hearing Bang Chan's voice.
"Why'd you call?"
"I missed you."
"I missed you too. Are you all at the hotel already?"
"Yeah-" His sentence was cut off by someone talking to him. You couldn't fully identify whose voice you heard, but you had your ideas. "Can I put you on speaker phone?" Chan asked you. You simply hummed in response preparing for the chaos that could possibly unfold on the other end. You knew the exact moment the speaker was turned on.
"Hey Y/N!" A very familiar voice was heard through your phone. You were glad you put your own phone on speaker so you wouldn't have to hold it up to your ear.

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