Pinterest is not good for me (1) (e)

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((Ich war auf Pinterest unterwegs und habe einen Post gesehen, der den ersten und letzten Satz einer Story vorgegeben hat und man sollte den Rest schreiben (macht das Sinn?). Und da ich sowieso nichts zu tun hatte (also eigentlich schon but egal) hab ich das einfach gemacht))

I'm ok.
I have a big home where I have my own huge room which is beautifully decorated. I feel loved and accepted by my parents and my love for my sibling can't be described with words. I have supersweet pets for that I'd sell my soul for. I always have enough time for everything I want to do. I have a lot of friends who are always there for me if I need them and who I can tell everything that's on my mind. I'm very good in school, there's no subject that would be a real challenge for me, therefore I have always outstanding grades. I'm popular in my class, everybody wants to be friends with me and I can rely on every single one of them. I have the best partner in the whole universe. I'm also very confident in myself. I wear exactly what I want to and don't care what other people might think. I'm happy with all my body parts. I'm pretty sportive and I always say what goes through my head without thinking about the possible reactions. I never cry at night because I know that life goes on and that it'll be better. But most importantly,
I lied.

((Info: not everything is true(/untrue) for me))

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