Ai×Syo - Sweet Time

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{Pairing: Ai×Syo
Song: Sweet Time by Megurine Luka}

Until recently I thought that we'd always be together,
That voice, suddenly becoming so dear
A sweet sadness I can't seem to understand on my own
I thought such things existed only in those dramas

Peace. Something one dream of. Well, keep dreaming because certainly this is not peace. "Senpai! Please give me a break!" Syo shouted at his cyan haired senpai. "No. You are to work on Saturday." Ai said in a monotone voice. "Even on weekends? Aii I want to see my brother! Please give me a break!" Syo pleaded. "I am not allowing you to have a break."

"Grr, you know I'm older than you right? You should respect me more!" "Well, too bad because I'm your senpai and I'm taller than you, mid~get." Syo gritted his teeth. 'Kono yatsu...' Syo took a deep breath and slump on his bed. "Akuma." Syo whispered. "Excuse me?" Ai look at him. Syo rolled his eyes. "Yeah you're a devil a really annoying, arrogant, cold-hearted devil." Syo said. "I thought devil should be cold-hearted? Hmm, maybe I'm not cold-hearted enough? Fine, I'll add your schedules." Ai threatened Syo with a smirk. "What? No!" Syo shouted in protest.

These feelings you can't realize alone,
We surely found them together
If time were to stop just like this, that would be fine
Don't be mean...

Unknown to them, their 'little fight' was heard by their other roomate, Shinomiya Natsuki. "Nacchan?" The voice behind Natsuki almost cause him to shout. "Rei-chan! You scared me." Natsuki sighed in relieve. "Doushite no?" Reiji ask him. "Em, well Ai-chan and Syo-chan has been fighting. I wish the two of them could get along better." Natsuki voiced out his concern. 'Hmm...' Reiji thought. "Aha!" He snapped his finger. Reiji whisper something into Natsuki's ear as both their eyes lit up with mischief.

The kiss from that day, it constantly fills my head and my heart
Moving around doesn't let me shake it off
Our arms entwined, kissing you softly, calling out your name,
Being given those honest feelings

"Ai-Ai!" Reiji called out to his bandmate. "What is it Reiji?" Ai turn to look at the oldest member of Quartet Night. "Nee, nee Shining gave us a week off!" "So?" "Sooo~~" Irk marks start to appear on Ai's forehead as Reiji start sing-song the word 'so' for too long. "Reiji. Straight to the point please." Ai said getting more and more annoyed.

"Hihi, well! We all get the week off with a condition we all must either bring our kouhais with us or follow our kouhais to where they want to go!" Reiji said cheerfully. "What kind of condition is that?" "Its Shining's order Ai-Ai! Besides, we get to bond more with our kouhais! Jaa~ you should tell your kouhais about the great news!" Reiji said and skipped away as Ai sigh in annoyance.

That signal coming from you causes my phone to tremble
My heart vibrates as well
Amongst the digital interference, I still love your dim voice
I can't wait till the weekend, I want to see you now

The next day, all of them are in the living room ready to bid their farewell. The Genki Trio, Reiji, Otoya and Tokiya as Reiji had said decided to go to Reiji's house. The Badass Trio consist of Ranmaru, Masato and Ren somehow decided to go to the beach. The Royal Duo, Cecil and Camus will be going to Agnapolis as requested by Cecil. The Kawaii Trio had agreed to spend the week at Syo's house because Ai doesn't want to disturb the professor and Natsuki's parents weren't home, or were they? So off they went to their destination.

You know, that path you cannot walk alone,
Let's walk it together
Just like this I want to laugh and smile beside you
Hold me just a bit longer...

The trip to Syo's house was...quiet. The only sound you could hear was Ai typing on his laptop's keyboard, Natsuki's humming, Syo tapping on his smartphone and the radio playing in the car. It was quiet, way too quiet. I guess the ice hasn't break between Ai and Syo.

"Midget." Tsk, tsk. Wrong move Ai, that is not the way a seme would do to grab the uke's heart//slapped. "What?" Sharp. Syo's voice was sharper than usual. "Have you told your brother we're coming?" "Yeah." Syo answered without bothering to continue the conversation. Brrr, its quite chilly in here. Natsuki sigh 'This was not in the plan...' He thought.

Everything about you continues to color the inside of me even more,
I can't fight against it
Your profile, your smell, the way you talk, the way you hold my hand,
I grasp them all, gently but strongly

"Onii-chan!" As soon as they arrive they were greeted by a...taller version of Syo. "Kaoru! How have you been?" "Fine, ah Nacchan you're here to!" Kaoru greeted him. Then he looked at the younger cyan haired boy. "You must be Mikaze Ai-san! Thank you for taking care of my brother. Please make yourself at home!"

"Your welcome. And thank you for inviting us." Ai said politely but still with that monotone voice of his. "Its okay, besides you are my broth-" "Kaoru!" Syo quickly cut his brother's sentence. "Where is otou-san and okaa-san?" Seeing the signal, Kaoru quickly change the topic. "Otou-san and okaa-san went on a business trip so it will just be us this week. Well, please come in." Kaoru invited them in as Natsuki was still oblivious to the situation.

From that night we argued due to acting tough,
To that secret surprise on my birthday night,
It might be selfish,
But I want you to only look at me, always

The next day, Ai, Syo and Natsuki alongside Kaoru went to a nearby carnival. After a while,Ai and Syo got lost from Natsuki and Kaoru. The two then walk around the carnival to find Natsuki and Kaoru. "Syo." "Yeah?" Chu. Ai kissed Syo's cheek causing the older among the two to blush furiously. "Wh-what?! Ai! What if someone saw us?" Syo scolded him. "Who cares? Syo, I'm so tired of acting." Ai whispered beside Syo's ear as their fingers entertwine.

"I know... I'm tired of acting too. Maybe after we return we could tell them about us?" Ai hummed in agreement. The two walk to a nearby ice cream stand and bought ice cream for themself. They sat on a bench and enjoyed their ice cream. Ai cupped Syo's left cheek and lick the corner of Syo's lips causing him to blush again.

The kiss from that day, it constantly fills my head and my heart
Moving around doesn't let me shake it off
Our arms entwined, kissing you softly, calling out your name,
Being given those honest feelings

"Stop making me blush!" "You're just so cute." "I am not cute." Syo protested. Ai smile, he leaned forward and locked their lips. The kiss was soft and innocent. Neither dare to break nor to continue further. Ai then lick Syo's bottom lip asking for entrance. Syo complied and their pink muscle fight for dominance. After a while, Syo pulled away to breath.

"I love you, Syo." "I love you too, Ai." They foreheads touch as their eyes stare into each other. "Syo." "Yes?" "Could you promise me something?" Syo nodded softly. "Sure Ai." "Promise me that you'll never leave me, that you would teach me all about this feelings I have and always be there for me." Syo smiled softly and cupped both Ai's cheek. "Yes, I promise you." He said and gave a small kiss on Ai's lips.

Everything about you continues to color the inside of me even more,
I can't fight against it
Your profile, your smell, the way you talk, the way you hold my hand,
I grasp them all, gently but strongly

This moment that we treasure together. The time spent together. The fights we have because we love each other. I have loved you and till the end I will love you. This love might be forbidden. And this challenge we will face through. We will face it together. I love you, Ai. I forever will. Always remember that.


"Kawaii!" Natsuki start to squeal like a fangirl as he took pictures of a sleeping Syo on Ai's shoulder while Ai's head was on Syo's head. "They're certainly cute." Kaoru commented as he too take a few pictures. 'Hihi, now I get to blackmail Onii-chan!' Kaoru thought. Tsk, tsk,tsk. What a bad otuoto you are Kaoru.


{Requests are close-nyaa~ (= ̄▽ ̄=)V }

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