Handprint on Your Heart (Steter)

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On April 4th at 6 am, Miezko Genim Stilinski was born to Claudia and Noah Stilinski. Neither of them expected for their newborn to have a handprint over his heart. A handprint will appear on your skin when the younger of the two is born. So little Miezko was born with one, meaning his soulmate was older.

To the dismay of his father, it was far too big for his newborn son. It took up the entire left side of his little body and well Noah was angry about it.

Claudia didn't agree with her husband as she was a romantic through and through. The goddess had deemed whoever her son's soulmate was to be his and that is that.

Stiles grows up being accepted by his mother and encouraged in regard to his soulmate. He'll ask her question after question as he traces the fingertips of the mark.

When Stiles tries to ask his daddy questions, it doesn't go well. Noah gives disapproving looks and wears a tight smile when soulmates are brought up.

The anti almost bigot stance Noah takes against their son's soulmate, causes issues between him and his wife. It all comes to a head one night after Noah has gone into work leaving shattered glass bottles and a sticky floor from the liquor spilled on it.

Stiles is only five when his mommy wakes him up and with only his backpack and a duffel bag, they leave the house. He's sleepy and doesn't ask where they're going. Stiles knows his mommy will keep him safe.

When he wakes up, he's not in his bed with his Batman sheets or in mommy and daddy's bed. Mommy looks really sad when she tells him that they have to stay at a hotel for a while. She promises it's not forever but when mommy thinks he's sleeping, she'll talk to daddy and Stiles can hear how mean his daddy sounds. It makes him think of when daddy would drink the stinky stuff and yell at mommy. He curls up with his mommy in the nice hotel bed, not understanding why his daddy is so angry.


Peter Hale is twelve years old when he gets his soulmate mark over his heart, and he can't help grinning. He studies it in the mirror with overwhelming joy. The handprint is perfect, and it belongs to the person the goddess has chosen for him. Peter bears no shame about his mark. Why should he?

Talia makes sure to put him down as much as possible about it. "It's sick Peter! You're sick! For fucks sakes he's a baby!" she yells.

Peter can see how the rest of his family seems to agree with her. He can't help it that they are twelve years apart in age but as he runs to his room, fighting back tears he can admit it hurts to be shunned while everyone else in his family embraces the rest of his sibling's soulmates.

Peter is bullied severely both at school and at home, but still, he refuses to hide the mark. He's not ashamed of it. It's a reminder that somewhere out there is a person who is just his and he's just theirs.

He's fifteen the day he comes home from school bruised, beaten and cradling a broken wrist courtesy of some of the boys on his swim team. When his dad sees the injuries–which Peter thinks pair perfectly with the injuries his father inflicts–the man forbids him from displaying his mark anymore.

"It's obvious to everyone except you that there has been some mistake. That or somehow, I have three perfect daughters and a pedophile son. Which is it?" he snaps, his face murderous.

Peter glares at his dad, straightening his spine and refusing to cower. "I don't care what anyone says. My soulmate is perfect. I won't let anyone make me doubt the goddess's design. So, if you have a problem with it and have so much hatred towards me and my soulmate who have done nothing wrong, then you're a fool."

This earns him a backhand to the face and a kick to the gut, but Peter doesn't care. His father can't beat him enough to make him not want his soulmate. In fact, having a soulmate is the only reason Peter hasn't done anything drastic yet.

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