finally found

652 26 2

Sometimes, by the grace of the universe, you meet someone.

That's not to say that people don't have their own free will, because living and loving requires hard work, but even the accumulation of dedication and passion can allow for two paths to cross. Or maybe two souls were always meant to meet, like every hardship and heartbreak was merely the prologue to destiny. Or it could all be a myth, simple dumb luck—whatever it was, the mechanisms of life had turned and trudged until the two strangers met, wordless, both equally as starstruck, even if they didn't admit it at first.

And as time marched forward, the chemistry between Zee and NuNew was too much to ignore. It was as if their entire being was vibrating. I finally found you. Their hearts were singing you'll never be alone again. So it should be of no surprise that they became everything for each, friends, lovers.

Yet, despite the years that had passed between their first meeting to now, they appeared to be more in love, completely endeared by the other. There was hardly an occasion where Zee wasn't caught staring at his beloved—he not only made the right choice, but he made the only choice.

NuNew was just as enamored, although he generally expressed it more subtly, squeezing his Hia's bicep or rubbing his tummy under blankets. He also never missed a chance to praise the older—I always feel safe and warm with Hia, he's my idol.

As such, with all of the videos and pictures circulating the internet, no one could deny how much they adored each other; incessantly displaying for all to see through words and actions. So it should be of no mystery what their respective love languages were: how they expressed their appreciation for the other. The speaker and microphone set bestowed on New Years, along with the younger never opening his own water bottle (among other normal human inconveniences) was a clear indicator that Zee valued acts of service and gifts. Opposite of Zee, NuNew was constantly touching the other, gently stroking his hands or reassuring him that Zee is not only a kind and hardworking person, but that he was exactly what NuNew wanted and needed.

So that left quality time lacking, most notably, alone.

Don't misunderstand, it was true (and almost brutally obvious) how the two could make anywhere their own world, you could often hear fans and staff alike throwing out "we're air again" as they cocooned into each other. But it didn't negate the fact that they were surrounded by friends, family, staff, and media much of the time they spent together outside the confines of Zee's condo.

Which, unfortunately, had declined in the recent months due to their schedules.

So that made today all that more special.

Valentine's Day.

Technically, they did have a livestream to do with DoMunDi later that night along with the other couples, but they had been granted the whole day free beforehand so NuNew planned their next date accordingly: mission do not leave Zee's condo until absolutely necessary.

Zee had mentioned a couple of times how he had wanted to spend their 600K date at home, asleep. And as much as NuNew wanted to waste away the day in Hia's arms, snuggled under Zee's comforter (they would definitely be doing that too), he decided that they needed to spend some time together, intentionally connecting, checking in on each other, and merely enjoy being each other's presence without people or technology.

So by late morning, NuNew had arrived at their sanctuary, arms full of bags and groceries. Taking most of the weight from NuNew, Zee led him into the kitchen, ensuring that everything was upright on his counter before turning to his lover and taking everything from him too. Leaning down to kiss NuNew's forehead, Zee also gently reached for him, massaging his forearms, thumbing at the redness left behind. "Good morning, Nhu."

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