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Mason cried as he looked at pictures of him and Corey. He had felt so guilty that he had forgotten him until they found the relic. Hayden reminded him that the relic means he's not dead, and they will get him back with all the others. Hayden and Mason met up with Liam and Theo at the sheriff's department. Liam had decided it would be a safe place to stay, and the whole pack still didn't trust Theo, so they had him locked in a cell. Liam hated it, but he couldn't argue. As they discussed how to fight them, Theo reminded them Douglas now had their power and therefore could fight the riders. "Does he really need to stay in there?" Mason asked. "He's still Theo." Hayden responded. "Theo saved Scott and helped Liam, remember?" Theo spoke in third person. "He can still hear you." Mason looked at Hayden. He wondered if the hostility from her was because of their past or because of Liam. "Then if he can hear me, he needs to shut up." Mason decided it was definitely the Liam situation. "Like Theo said, we don't need to figure out how to stop them. Douglas already did." "If he already knew how to fight them, maybe he already knew everything about them." Hayden agreed with Liam, ignoring that it was ever Theo's solution. "And guess who knows all about Mr. Douglas?" Theo remembered his time with the dread doctors and what they had told him.

Theo wanted to strike a deal with the three. Information about Mr. Douglas, but only if they broke the sword. Liam had already been thinking of doing it just so no one could take it from him and send Theo back anyways, but he knew the pack would not approve of him making that decision on his own. "Break the sword." Theo locked eyes with Liam through the cell bars. "I'll break the sword. I'll break the sword right off in-" "Hayden!" Liam cut her off before she could finish her sentence. "You break, I talk. Come on, Liam." Theo locked eyes with Liam, and Liam grew worried. What if Theo hadn't changed at all, and he would try to kill them all once the sword was broke? "Look, I don't want anyone's pack. I don't want anyone's power." It was like Theo read Liam's mind. "I just want to stay alive." He almost whispered. Liam felt guilty for doubting Theo's intentions. He wanted to hug him and tell him he would never send him back there. He knew he wanted to ask exactly what Theo went through, but he wanted them to be closer before he did that. "How do we know if we let you out you won't run?" Hayden asked. "Because we aren't letting him out. He can tell us from in there." Liam had already decided he was breaking the sword. Liam stepped away from the others and unsheathed the sword. Never taking his eyes off Theo, he twisted the handle and metal clanked against the cement floor. Now no one could ever send Theo away again.

Theo told them everything he knew about "Mr. Douglas" aka Hauptmann. He told them about his past in Germany and his obsession with making the ghost riders his army. About how he found the dread doctors and sought out their help, but instead was thrown into the vat that had been used with all the chimeras.

Ghost riders appeared at the sheriff's department. The front doors swung open and there one stood. Lightning flashed behind them and thunder boomed. Mason turned to run, but the ghost rider's whip snaked around Mason's neck. "Liam! RUN!" He yelled then vanished into green smoke. "NO!" Liam's eyes lit up yellow and his claws extended from his finger tips. He roared as he jumped at the ghost rider and began fighting him. Theo could hear the commotion, but couldn't see from his locked cell. He heard Liam roar and began to panic. Liam and Hayden attacked together, but still stood no chance against their supernatural strength. The ghost rider caught Hayden by the wrist, but before he could pull back to make her vanish, Liam grabbed the rope pulling it back. Suddenly a second ghost rider busted through the window, and sent his whip around her other wrist. Liam grabbed that rope as well trying to pull back with all his strength. "Liam, you have to go find Scott." "I'm not leaving you." Liam continued to pull the ropes back. "Go find Scott. You can save me on the other side." Liam stared into her eyes to make sure this is really what she wanted. She nodded her head, so Liam let go and stepped to the side. Hayden vanished into green smoke the same way Mason had.

Leaving Theo locked in the cell, Liam went to go find Scott and warn him about Douglas. He found them down in the tunnels discussing opening the rift. Liam told Scott, Malia, and Lydia about how he was a Nazi in World War Two and that he didn't want to stop the hunt; he wanted the riders for himself as a personal supernatural army. Douglas began attacking the group with the whip he took from the ghost rider he killed. One by one the group went around the corner to avoid being hit. Parrish, against his own will being manipulated by Douglas, opened the rift and allowed Douglas and him to pass through. The others ran to the entrance, but it closed right before they got to it. Two ghost riders came through the rift. Scott told Liam and Lydia to run while him and Malia stayed to fight. Liam and Lydia ran through the tunnels, but ran into a rider. Upon seeing Lydia, the ghost rider lowered his gun. Staying behind Lydia, Liam and her passed by the snarling ghost rider. Liam commented the rider was scared of her.

Back at Scott's house, what was left of the pack sat at the dinner table trying to figure out what to do. The sheriff came in and told them how he remembered his son, he remembered Stiles. After telling them his memories, he told them how he thought he saw Stiles like something opened up in front of him, and he was able to see him for just a moment. The group knew it was a rift and how they had to remember him themselves to open another rift. The group that sat at the table almost ready to give up now had hope in a new plan again.

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