Fed Up

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Dear Diary,

Tonight it happened. Tonight I stopped wanting and started getting.

" I'll show him!"

I was thinking as I rummaged through my closet, I pulled anything even slightly sexy out. I was done with his shinanigans. The staying out late, the partying with his friends, the disinterest in me no matter how much I tried. I thought fine, if he didnt want me I was going to find someone who did. Lana was right.

"Why are you putting up with this bullshit" she angrily questioned me over the phone earlier.

"I love him Lana" I pleaded.

" Lex, come on!"

"The Lex I know wouldn't even take this bullshit and she definitely wouldn't be sitting at home moping over some guy waiting for him to come home!"

She was right. Never in my life have I ever let a man get to me like the way he did, but he wasn't just some guy....he was my husband. The man I vowed to love and protect, to honor and respect. The man I vowed to love in sickness and in health. But all those did not fit anywhere in what was going on. If he wasnt sticking to his vows then I thought, why should I?

"you're absolutely right Lana!" I exclaimed with such clarity, like the brick wall that was up finally crumbled to the ground.

"Come again?" She said sounding surprised.

" I said you're right, I shouldn't be sitting around waiting for him." I said confidently. If he wasn't going to be the man to give me the love and pleasure I needed I was going to find it myself, in someone else and that is exactly what I did!

I found a fitting outfit, consisting of a black silk hip hugging skirt that rested two inches above the knee and a white tank top that slightly revealed the top of my breasts, it was perfect.

I let my tight bun down to let my black curls brush my shoulders. looking in the mirror I lightly brushed my eyes with a white eye shadow, did my eyeliner and glazed my lips with my pink lip gloss.

Puckering my lips I looked at the woman staring back at me. No longer was the desperate girl with runny mascara and red swollen cheeks from crying looking back at me. There was no more weak little girl waiting and needing the man she loved so desperately. This woman looked like a goddess, and she had been waiting long enough to get what she wanted.

With each clicking of my fergalicious black heels I could feel my heart beat matching. But my hearts fast paced beating wasn't for fear or second guessing of what I was about to do, it was the joy and need of what was about to happen. It was the want of the pleasure my body had so badly missed. I needed it and I needed it now.

Making my way to the front door I gave the bouncer a smile and slid past without a second glance. The smell of stale beer and cigerettes met my nostrils. It wasn't a ideal place, but it was the only place for my spur of the moment antics.

" A sex on the beach, please." I announced to the bartender as I swiftly scooched on the bar stool trying not to flash anyone with the goods, not yet at least. Once he returned with my drink I began to scope out my prospects. There wasn't much potential, just the few old geezers you could tell were the regulars and the other eighty nine percent that wore a ring on the same finger I had just taken mine off of. I was getting mine tonight, but I still wasn't a home wrecker.

"Here's your refill" the bartender said as he placed another sex on the beach in front of me.

"I don't remember ordering another one" I stated, looking confused.

" You didn't, he did" he replied nodding his head behind me.

Raising my eyebrows I turned around to see him. The chosen one. His jawline looked like he stole it from a movie superhero, his skin the color of caramel, lips full and looking like they were simply made for kissing. His hazel eyes piercing. His muscular chest looked like it wanted to rip through his tight fitted shirt....oh yes this was the one.

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