House of Thinkers

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"Sonus Melodia."

A steady wisp of purple and blue light flowed from Y/N's wand as fairies formed from the light and started to sing. The room started to slowly light up in gentle and harmonious hues, as if the very walls were infused with music. Y/N smiled with satisfaction as the melodious enchantment filled the air. He had spent hours perfecting the spell, His mother had taught him this incantation long ago to calm Prim, but only recently had he found need of it. 

Primrose, fluttered her large, leathery wings and perched on Y/N's outstretched arm. Her eyes gleamed with a drowsy and peaceful sheen as she tilted her head, listening to the enchanting melody filling the room. Y/N gently stroked her skull-like head, "You like it, Prim? You recognize it don't you? Mum used to cast it for both of us when a storm came. It will help you sleep peacefully."

Primrose emitted a soft, purring sound, wrapping her serpentine body around Y/N's arm. He had turned his Ravenclaw dorm room into a sanctuary for both of them, a place where they could find comfort. It wasn't the prettiest, but Y/N had only been at Hogwarts a day. The walls were adorned with diagrams of magical creatures and constellations, each meticulously drawn and labeled. Stacks of books on various subjects—astronomy, herbology, charms, and more—were scattered across every available surface. Parchments covered in sketches and notes were strewn about, intertwining with quills and ink bottles.

In one corner of the room, Y/N had transformed the astronomy sphere that sat above the window into Primrose's cozy nest. The spherical structure made of concentric carved rings of brass hung from the ceiling, filled with soft bedding and branches for her to curl up on. Y/N had even repurposed an old cauldron into a makeshift water basin, ensuring that Primrose had everything she needed within their shared space.

As the enchanting melody continued to fill the room, Y/N settled down on a pile of books, flipping through the pages absentmindedly. "Did you see this, Prim?" he asked, pointing at an intricate diagram of a potion called 'Cure For Boils'. "I'm learning all about potions, and I can't wait to use them out there! Well... Maybe I should hope I don't use this one."

Primrose nuzzled against Y/N's hand, her wings folding gently. "Ahh, sleeping already, girl? C'mon then, let's get you to bed now, aye?" Prim tried wrapping her wings tighter around his neck so she could stay there, but Y/N set her down in her bed, where she couldn't help but sleep.

"Sweet dreams, I'll tell you all about my day when I get back."

° ° °

There were a hundred and forty-two staircases at Hogwarts: wide, sweeping ones; narrow, rickety ones;some that led somewhere different on a Friday; some with a vanishing step halfway up that you had toremember to jump. Then there were doors thatwouldn't open unless you asked politely, or tickled them in exactly the right place, and doors that weren't really doors at all, but solid walls just pretending. It was also very hard to remember where anything was, because it all seemed to move around a lot. 

The people in the portraits kept going to visit each other, and Y/N was sure the coats of armor could walk. The ghosts didn't help, either. It was always a nasty shock when one of them glided suddenly through a door you were trying to open. Peeves was always happy to point him in the right direction, but Peeves the Poltergeist had to be bartered with, something he can use for a prank or to cause any sort of chaos. If you didn't have anything he wanted... well then you'd have to be prepared to be late for class.

On this particular day, Y/N found himself in a race against time. He had just finished his Potions class with Snape, who had been particularly harsh towards him. Y/N couldn't understand why Snape seemed to have an inexplicable dislike for him. He had tried his best during the class, following the instructions meticulously, but Snape's scathing remarks still stung.

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