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"Look at me when I'm fucking talking to you!"

Mark stayed impassive and rolled his eyes as Jeno let out a weary sigh, both covered in bruises and bleeding wounds. Taeyong looked at them in turn with a sigh of tiredness, and closed the file in front of him before leaning over his desk, to have his face leveled with his two younger brothers.

"This is the last time you'll do such a thing to me. How old are you to fight against each other? On the school ground too! You're fucking unbelievable, that's not possible. Y'all are seniors, it's your senior year of high school and I get the feeling you don't mind fighting and ending up in my office, my fucking office guys!" Taeyong yelled angrily. "You are brothers, you have the same last name! And you have the nerve to fight over a boy?" He spat harshly.

"We're not brothers." Jeno said scathingly. "He's not my brother."

"Do you even hear yourself talking Jeno? Damn, you can't, can you? When did my little brothers turned into this? When did my little brothers decide to be strangers the one other?" Taeyong asked in dismay.

"When that traitor decided to stab me in the back, dating the boy I've loved since middle school." Mark spat bitterly in response to Taeyong's question.

"You know what? If you want to continue this way, go ahead, but don't do this in my school, okay?" Taeyong ordered in a firm voice as he sat back down, but his brothers didn't even react. "Did I make it clear to you?" he asked again more aggressively than he would've liked, practically yelling at them in the process again.


"Get out of here now, we'll talk about this at home with mom and dad."

Mark didn't waste a second and got up to leave his brother's office, followed by his younger brother. In the hallway his eyes met Donghyuck's, who was waiting not far from the door looking worried but he knew it wasn't for him so he turned away, facing the opposite direction where his friends were standing before he received a hit on the shoulder.

His best friend slapped him again with his book in the back of his head, as he tried somehow to protect himself from the pink haired boy's attack. To no avail, sadly.

"Fuck Jaemin, easy will ya!" he hissed aggressively.

"Easy what, you fool! Why would you fight with him again? Are you sick, or what?" his best friend hissed back at him.

"Jaemin let him breath for thirty seconds, okay," Sungchan interjected, pulling Jaemin away from Mark. "He's probably already been yelled at by Taeyong hyung, so leave him alone." he sighed while still holding their pink haired friend at a reasonable distance away from Mark.

"Thanks Chan-ah, I appreciate..." Mark muttered, as he ran a hand through his raven black hair, brushing them out of his face.

Jaemin sighed loudly as he shrugged Sungchan off him and grabbed Mark's face to inspect his still bleeding wounds. He turned his face towards each side every three seconds, staring at his open bruises and sores on his left brow bone and his split lip. Fighting with Jeno? It wasn't actually the first time that it happened especially in the school grounds but today, they went a little too far for their older brother's the taste. Mark hated the retaliation Taeyong gave him, knowing fully well that it wasn't his fault they're in such bad situations.

If Jeno had made an effort not to mess things up between them, maybe they wouldn't have been fighting over Donghyuck also known as the boy they both fell in love with, but who chose Jeno.

"Come on, let's go to the infirmary to disinfect all this, otherwise you'll get infection and you'll get sick." Jaemin said while letting go of his jaw.

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