"All the love I have to give."

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I love days like this. Cuddled on the couch with Stetson on one side of me, his fingers locked in mine. Dorian is on my other side, his arm slung around my shoulder with a content smile on his face.

We sit on the couch at Dorian's apartment watching a cheesy rom-com that they both claim to hate, but I swear they are more into it than me. The two main characters have just run into each other at the airport and are confessing their love at the top of their lungs.

"Jesus, this is so cheesy," Stetson mumbles. I side-eye him and I see watery eyes. I turn my body toward him just a bit ready to accuse him.

"Stetson. Is that a tear I see in your eye?!" I announce while a satisfied and triumphant grin takes over my features.

"Abso-fucking-lutely not," he lets go of my hands to quickly wipe the emotion off his face.

Dorian chuckles next to me and I whip around and stare at his amused look with my mouth agape. He looks at Stetson with my favorite sparkle in his eyes.

"I think she's right, Stet. You're blubbering like a baby. I thought you hated these movies," he adds.

"I do hate these cheesy, bullshit movies. Nothing like real life," he crosses his arms over his chest. "Besides, you said you hated them too!" he tosses back at Dorian.

"I may have overexaggerated my hatred for them just a little. It may not be like real life, but it's a nice escape."

"Well, I watch them for the cheese," I poke Stetson in the side and he shrinks with a giggle. "I don't need an escape. I have everything I need." I rest my hands on Dorian's thigh to my left and Stetson's to my right. "You guys are both cheeseballs and you know it."

"Not Dorian, he's an ass."

I huff a laugh, "Dorian is totally a cheeseball when it comes to you, well, and me. But we knew that."

That playful look I love so much dances around Dorian's eyes, "I can't really argue with that statement, I'd be wrong, and we know how much I hate being wrong."

"Oh, you're the worst," Stetson says. I stand from between them.

"I'm going to grab a drink, be right back." I leave for the kitchen and listen to the two of them bickering like a newlywed couple.

Listen, I know our situation-ship is different. It's definitely not normal, and as much as I try to deny that it's weird, I know it is. People look at us like we're crazy.

I know that they both love me, but even more so lately, I can see the love that they have for each other. It makes my heart feel so full. They're not like brothers: it's different. Dorian is protective of both of us, and Stetson brings enough emotion for the three of us. I seem to be the glue that holds it all together. It makes me feel needed.

Stetson tells me to be myself constantly. Reminding me that, no matter how many people call themselves my friends, he and Dorian will never let me down or judge me.

He humbles Dorian and keeps him grounded. Dorian gets a chip on his shoulder, and he is kind of an ass to people in public. Stetson apologizes to the innocent bystander after Dorian walks away and then reminds him that "kindness isn't kindness if he only shows it to me and Stetson." Dorian usually rolls his eyes and says "kindness isn't what I strive for" or something similar, but he smiles his soft smile and apologies anyway. I secretly think it's because he enjoys seeing the pride in Stetson's eyes when he thinks he's won him over.

Dorian forces me to open up to both of them. I've struggled with it since my abusive relationship and I have been getting better about sharing my feelings. He has the perfect guage of when to back away and let me be alone, and keeps Stetson away when I need it.

He helps keep Stetson level-headed and coherent. Stetson gets lost in his emotions and Dorian brings him back to the present to remind him that following his heart is valiant but not always practical. Stetson has begun to learn to think with his head and not his heart, but Dorian loves seeing him get emotional.

I am pulled from my reverie when a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist from behind. I immediately know that it's Dorian as his scent envelops me.

"I think he's mad at me now," he whispers into my ear. Shivers race down my spine.

I turn in his arms and scold him with my eyes, "What did you say to him?"

Dorian's chest rises and falls with a sigh, "I told him that he was cheesy, but that we liked that about him. He seemed to take offense to it and he stormed off into the bedroom."

I smile softly at him because I can tell what comes next before he says it, "Could you talk to him? He'll listen to you."

"Absolutely not," I smile and place my hands on his chest. "Go talk to him."

Dorian rolled his eyes and when they settle on mine they are pleading with me. I smile softly and press my lips gently to his. It's a soft and short kiss and his eyes close and the tension in his shoulders melts.

I pull away and turn back to the snacks that I was making. "Fine, I'll go talk to him," Dorian grumbles.

As much as I want them to learn to communicate better, they are so different and they are doing so well. I am dying to know what he is going to say. So I sneak down the hallway snickering to myself. Both of them have told me that I'm like a ninja because I walk so quietly that I startle them constantly. I am confident that I won't be caught eavesdropping.

Dorian knocks softly on the cracked bedroom door, "Stet?"

Stetson doesn't answer, but I hear a soft sniff from the bedroom. Dorian pushes the door open softly and stands in the doorway.

"I'm sorry," he says softly. "I didn't mean to offend you. I just meant–"

"To make me feel like less of a man?" Stetson asks chuckling.

"No, I–wait, what do you mean?" Dorian asks.

"I know Athena thinks of you as a protector, the brawny hero. I'm just... the softy Australian with a cute accent and blonde hair."

Dorian takes one step into the room and crosses his arms over his chest. "I would be lying if I said I'd never heard her say both of those things. But you have so much that I don't."

"Like what?" Stetson's voice is clearer now, with confidence.

Dorian sighs and shifts on his feet. "You wear your heart on your sleeve and–hear me out before you interrupt to say I'm insulting your manhood. She needs that. She struggles to share her own. You're an advocate for that and most of the time, you can get her to open up before I can. You're emotional, and kind, and strong. You guys have a bond of friendship that I never had with her before I fell head-over-heels."

I hear Stetson hum from across the room and some shuffling.

"She needs us both, and I–" Stetson steps into view and his eyes are soft when he looks Dorian in the face. My hearts ramps up and I'm afraid I've been caught peeking.

"You what?" Stetson asks him.

"I need you... both." Dorian says hesitantly.

"Thank you for apologizing," Stetson reaches out to give Dorian a bro hug and Dorian opens his arms for it. The embrace is quick, but full of emotion before Stetson adds, "I'll be better in the sack too," and he winks and walks back toward the living room.

I quickly duck back into the kitchen and continue my snacks with a heart bursting with happiness.

Dorian drops his arms in defeat and chuckles, "If you ever get there!" Dorian calls after him from the hallway.

I snicker to myself and call out, "What are you two on about?"

"Nothing," Stetson's voice gravelly in right in my ear as he wraps around me. "Just how much love I have to give." The tingles in my spine shoot directly to the apex of my thighs.

"Mm," I turn in his arms and shove a piece of cheese into his mouth. "That you do." He plants his lips on mine in a quick kiss, full of happiness and hope.

This is my life. How did I get here?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2023 ⏰

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