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Kaveh - *Wide eyes*

Kaveh POV - I looked at my roommate shocked seeing him dressed up with his hair combed back. He looked like an entirely different person standing there

 He looked like an entirely different person standing there

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Kaveh - Y-you certainly did dress up

Al Haitham - Tch...

Kaveh - Why are you standing outside? It's warmer in the house

Al Haitham - It ain't that cold besides I'm perfectly content standing here for (Y/N's) arrival

Kaveh - *Sigh* If you insist then

Al Haitham POV - I stood there annoyed waiting for my roommate to leave so I can spend some quality time with the kid. After what seemed like forever he finally left back in the house relaxing my body alittle. But soon my heart began to beat fast as my hands got clamy. "What was I doing? Why am I doing this?" Looking down more I've realized I was staring at my suit longer than usual feeling a sudden wetness in my eyes quickly drying them.

*Crunch crunch*

Al Haitham POV - My attention was drawn towards the end of my street seeing (Y/N) walking towards me slowly balling my hands. "Why was he making me nervous all the sudden? Why do I feel like throwing up?"

Male Reader - *Wide eyes* Al Haitham?

Al Haitham - *Gulps*....

Male Reader POV - Walking closer my eyes went wide seeing him in what appeared to be a black and gold suit with a green tie as a black and gold jacket hung loosely over his back. His hair was combed back giving me a blank stare but you could tell he was nervous.

Male Reader - Y-you look different

Al Haitham - I-*Clears throat* Well I'd figure it would be appropriate considering we are going to dinner again

Male Reader POV - I gave a big smile walking closer before grabbing his hand in mine.

Male Reader - You didn't have to do this

Al Haitham - W-where's Gregor?

Male Reader - He was getting tired but he walked me halfway down Treasure Street to make sure I get back safe

Al Haitham - He should have walked you all the way I'd be damned if I let myself do that it was completely wrong of him to do that He-

Male Reader - Hey calm down it's ok he was tired and I told him it was alright please don't be so mean towards him

Al Haitham - ...

Male Reader - Please isn't tonight supposed to be about us? Aren't we going to have a wonderful dinner together?

Al Haitham POV - He squeezed my hand tighter causing my heart to flutter skipping a beat.

Al Haitham - You're right I apologize

Leaves In The Wind (Complete/To Be Continued)Where stories live. Discover now