The New Sibling

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"Children! Please come here and meet your new sibling!" Mother Isabella said. Some older looking and younger looking children came to the main room. "Children meet your new brother Samuel." Mother said with her normal beautiful smile. "Hi! I'm Emma!" Emma said with a smile. I could tell she loved to meet new people. "H-hi.." I say nervously, then I look at the one in the back and I realize that they have their hood up and they are looking at me. "W-who's that?" I asked Mother. "That's Ace your brother, he doesn't talk much but it's alright." Mother says with a smile, and I watch as Ace turns and walks away. "He's just...... Not like us." Norman says. "Shhh!!! He might hear you!!! You don't want to be attacked again like last week, do you?!" Ray hisses at him. "W-what do you mean he got a-attacked by Ace? He seems nice.." I said and was kinda confused why Ray said that. "Just don't bother him. He gets annoyed easily." Ray said. "Not to mention that he's ripped!!! He's got a 12-pack under tha-'' Emma starts. "Talking about me again, huh?" Ace says coldly and almost everyone jumps, but I didn't. "Ah Ace, how kind of you to actually talk to your siblings and not threaten them." Mother says. "Well, I came back down stairs because I heard them talking about me. Oh, and by the way.. I won't hesitate to do that again, Norman." Ace says as his eyes change color. "Ace, if you don't want to-" Mother starts but Ace cuts her off by saying "I know, mother... I know... I don't want to go back... I'll be in my room...." "What did he mean by that?" I think. "I will be right back, I'll have Ace show you around, you didn't really get to meet him yet." Mother says as she walks away following Ace up the stairs. "Well... what should we do now?" Emma asks "I-I don't know" I say.  "Hopefully there won't be a lot of people in the rooms.." I think and I see that mother and Ace have come back. "Samuel, you will be getting your own room, next to Ace's for... certain reasons." Mother says. "Oh great. So I get to show him his new room?" Ace asks. "Yes Ace, you get to show Sam where his new room is." Mother says "Fine. Follow me, Sam." Ace says and I walk up to him and I follow him to my new  room. "If you want help with anything, just knock on my door at any time." Ace says more calmly than before. "Wh-why were you-" I start to say but Ace cuts me off by saying "I know what you can do... and I'm the reason why you are getting a separate room. You, Sam, are a-" Ace starts then he smells the air. "I SWEAR TO THE GODS, NORMAN IF YOU DON'T LEAVE US ALONE, I'M GONNA BITE YOU!!!!" Ace yells, Norman darts away, and I flinch.

A few minutes later, mother comes walking over, looking mad. "ACE! I heard that you threatened Norman. Again" Mother says angrily. "He was spying on us" Ace says, sounding annoyed "The usual." Norman says, mocking Ace's annoyance. "If you don't want to di-" Ace starts, but I cut him off by hugging him, and I could tell that he was looking at me. "Don't fight... pl-please..." I say. I heard Ace sigh and he said "Fine... ". "How the he-" Norman starts but mother slapped him in the back of the head. "No." Mother says. "Sorry......" Norman says. "It's fine, just don't say that ever again." Mother says. I looked up at Ace and I could see a small smile on his face. "I hope we can become closer as siblings! I know I'm new here, but I can tell that he's already taken a liking to me." I think. "Y'know I can hear you, right?" Ace says. "N-No... I'm still-" I started but Ace cut me off. "I know. Just messing around with you. I'll help you with moving into your room." Ace says and I let him go. "Mother, when is dinner?" Norman asks. "In a bit." Mother says calming down and walking away with him. "Where's your stuff?" Ace asks me. "B-By the door..." I say and I follow Ace to the door, and we get my stuff into my room. "Wha-what does your r-room look like, A-Ace?" I ask. "Nothing all that special." Ace says, as I watched him make the bed, neatly. "Y-you must re-really like cleaning." I say. "Eh......" Ace says probably picturing his room. "What- what can you do...?" I ask. "Well, I have red and blue wings, I can read minds, I can teleport, and much more... I don't feel like sharing." Ace says. "Oh... ok" I say, kinda warming up to him. "What can you do?" Ace asks. "Well, I don't really know.." I lied. "Ok.." Ace says sitting down after we finished making my room feel like home. "How about y-you show me y-your room..?" I ask Ace after five minutes. "Fine." Ace says then he comes over to me and he puts his hand on my shoulder and a split second later, we're in this clean room. "W-Well... this is kinda not what I expected..." I say. "Meh.. like I said, it's not much to see." Ace says. "W-Well... you do l-like cleaning..." I say "true." Ace says "s-so.. What's it like here?" I asked. "Well... it's different from the others, when it comes to me, I'm treated differently because I know how to control my powers." Ace says.  "Oh.. umm.. W-well it seems fine to me.. Just.. a lot of people.." I say. "Well... People are just... well... I don't know, I'm just antisocial." Ace says. "Oh... well I really don't like to be around a lot of people at once.. I have claustrophobia.." I say. "Ahh.. ok, well.. When you are in my room, you won't have to worry about that. I just read... and...well... hide, I guess." Ace says. "Wh-what do you mean by hide?" I ask. "I don't use my powers very often." Ace says as he looks away from me. "Wait.... You said you knew what I could do... right?" I ask "Huh? I don't remember that..." Ace says and I could hear the confusion in his voice. "O-Oh... do you have-" I start then mother comes in "Diner is ready." Mother says. "Ok, mother." Ace says as his eyes change color again, "O-Ok, mother." I say as I follow her and Ace to the dining room and we sit at the table. "So, where did you come from, Sam?" Emma asks me. I could tell that Ace is getting annoyed already. "Umm... I-I don't feel like sharing that right now... Sorry.." I say. "Ace, could you pass me the meat?" Ray asks. "Fine, whatever." Ace says as he hands the meat to Ray. Mother comes out with something in her hands and she goes over to Ace and he takes the thing that's in mothers hands. "What's that?" I ask Ace. "...........Nothing............" Ace says and he puts it in his mouth and swallows it. "Thank you, mother." Ace says. "Anytime, darling" Mother says. "We have been coming up with this idea that Ace is like..... A gothic teenager! He's older than us, and he's kinda been here longer. When I first came here. He was the one to show me the room I was going to stay in, of course there were others here too, they greeted me the same way they greeted you." Ray says. "Ray. I'm going to need you to shut up. I've got a headache." Ace says standing up. "Wait.... How old is Ace??? I never asked him for his age..." I think to myself. "You don't need to know my age, Sam." Ace says walking away and going up to mother, I could tell that they are talking about Ace's headache. "If you haven't noticed, Ace doesn't have a number on the side of his neck like the rest of us." Emma says eating her food. "N-No.. I didn't notice..." I say, kinda wanting to follow Ace. "You are the first one to be able to touch Ace without being hit..." Ray says. "How- How did you know about that...?" I ask, feeling my face heat up from embarrassment. "Norman told us." Ray says. Everyone freezes, and someone drops something. "You. What?" Someone asks. "I-I umm..... I have to g-go u-use the- the bath-bathroom!!" I say and I run out of the dining room nervous and embarrassed. "Pfft. Wow, you are like a tomato." I hear someone say, I jump a bit and I turn around, only to see Ace standing in the doorway. "A-Ace!!" I say "Don't let them get to you. I've had to stay here for the past 10 years. It hasn't changed one bit." Ace says looking down. "What do you m-mean by that?" I ask. "Well, let's just say that there are certain rules you must follow if you don't want to be punished. Harshly." Ace says, still looking down. "Why are you like this...?" I ask, calming down knowing that we are safe from the others. "Well.... No one knows why and I'm not telling." Ace says walking away. "I'm going back to my room. Don't disturb me unless one of those brats is harassing you to the point of being chased from the room. Again." He continues, then he shuts his door after he walks into his room. "Well... that was kinda helpful..." I think as I walk back to the dining room and I sit in my spot. "So, have you seen Ace's room?!" Emma asks. "Pl-please... n-no more questions...." I say as we all start eating.

   After dinner was done, I went to my room and I lay on my bed and I waited for something to happen. I hear a knock on my door and I go over to open it. "Hey, how'd you manage to hug Ace?" Norman asks. "Well... he was getting mad... and I didn't want you to get attacked again... like the last time you were.." I say. "Oh.. so you heard about that..?" Norman asks "Yeah... I overheard the conversation with you and Ray..." I say and I look at Ace's door and I hear something hit the floor and I hear Ace yell out in what seemed to be pain. "NO!!! NO!! NO!! NO!!!!! NO!! IT CAN'T BE TONIGHT!!!!" Ace yells loudly then he runs out of his room and passes us to Mothers room and he knocks on her door and she opens it and she lets him in. "What was that all about?" I ask. "He does this once a month. Mother has been keeping an eye on him ever since he came here." Norman says and everyone was looking at mothers door waiting for Ace to come out of her room. "Oh.." I say. "I wonder what Ace is going through...." I think to myself. A few minutes later, mother comes out of her room caring Ace, who is sleeping. "No one goes into Ace's room, or goes near it for the next week. I will be bringing him his meals, and I will be checking in on him every hour." Mother says. "Yes mother" Everyone says. I looked at Ace, and I felt bad. "Who knows what Ace might be going through... I'll ask him once he's better." I think to myself. "If you are thinking of asking him what's going on with him next week... Prepare to be disappointed. He won't open up for anyone." Norman says. "Oh.... why?" I ask "Well... Ace is just...... weird... He never shows any emotion." Norman says. "I bet you of all people could change that if you really tried to." Norman says. "Well, I'll try m-my best!" I say. Mother comes out of Ace's room and shuts his door behind her, "Mother, what's wrong with Ace..? I heard him yell.." I say. "Ace is going through his changes. You will probably see him roaming around the halls at night, just... tell me if you see him roaming the halls then, please?" Mother asks. "Yes, mother. I will." I say. "Thank you, Samuel." Mother says.

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