Chapter 1 | New school New me

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__________________________________meaning for Italics: to differentiate when someone speaks Japanese

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meaning for Italics: to differentiate when someone speaks Japanese.

I breathed in sharply, fiddling with the hem of my silk, blue skirt. "I'm Y/n L/n," I smiled awkwardly, looking back and forth at the students and Yaga Sensei.
     "Where are you from?" A student blurted out, his hands holding his head as he leaned forward on his desk. With a smirk on his face.
     "Huh?" I stood uncomfortably still, my body stiff as a stick. Yaga Sensei cleared his throat, putting a hand on my shoulder.
     "L/n doesn't speak much Japanese." Yaga Sensei announced, giving me a reassuring smile.
     "Ah," His smirk grew wider, glancing at the boy next to him. The other boy raised a brow, putting his phone down, leaning back into his chair.
     "Take a seat," Yaga Sensei instructed, placing his hand back to his side. I walked over to the only open seat, the front row, next to the three students. The four desks were all squished together, leaving the back of the class empty. I pulled the chair out of the desk, the bottom of the chair scratching against the vinyled wooden floor, making the most obnoxiously loud screech. My face contorted into a grimace. I sat in my seat, ignoring the stares of the students. I slouched, biting the inside of my cheek. My eyes wandered around the classroom, hearing Yaga Sensei blabber something I didn't understand. I looked over at the white haired boy, his hairs sticking up for god knows what reason. He clenched his chest whilst looking away, as if Yaga Sensei said something offensive to him. The other boy looked just as offended. The farthest student from me had propped her head with her palm, staring at the wall in front of her. All of a sudden the students stood up from their seats, heading out the door. I slowly rose up, looking at my teacher as I internally panicked.
     "We're heading out to the field, you're going to watch Satoru and Suguru fight in close combat but next time I'll be working with you." Yaga Sensei stated, walking out the door while I followed behind. The white haired boy slowed down, glancing back at me, starting to walk besides me.
     "I'm Gojo Satoru!" He smiled, he pointed at himself.
     "Oh well uh nice to meet you!" I tried to say, he raised a brow at my words. I definitely did not say that right. I let out an awkward laugh as I fidgeted with my fingers. Gojo chuckled, putting his hands behind his head. I looked down at my feet, counting my steps in my head. 

     34. The field was farther out than I thought. Gojo walked towards the other boy, in the middle and did a squat-like position to stretch his legs. I walked towards Yaga Sensei and sat down on a concrete step, next to a student.
     "L/n, this is Shoko Ieiri," Yaga Sensei gestured to the girl next to me. "And over there, the guy with black hair is Geto Suguru, and the white haired one is Gojo Satoru." I gave a soft smile and nodded.
     "At least I'm not the third wheel anymore." Shoko muttered. I sighed, looking down at my lap as I unfocused my eyes.

     What felt like hours later the boys trugged towards us, having little to no spots of dirt on them. Yaga Sensei scolded them for something like not being careful, I think. Somewhere on the lines of "You nearly demolished the ground!"
     "L/n, Satoru is going to show you to your dorm room, I'm sorry I didn't show you before but duty calls." Yaga Sensei informed, heading in the opposite direction of the students.
     "That means you're stuck with me!" Gojo says, placing his arm around my shoulder.
     "What?" I asked, grabbing out my phone and opening the google translate app. I tilted my screen for him to see, pointing at it. He grabbed my phone, typed in something and handed it back to me. Which said.. "You're lucky to have one of the strongest sorcerers to show you to your dorm room!" I arched a brow as I looked back at him, while he gave a cheeky smile, his blindfold scrunching up a bit. We walked past the classrooms and went up stairs as it got colder and windier. We turned to the right, a long hallway with 6 dorm rooms. We walked to the end of the hallway as he grabbed my phone out of my hand and started to type again. He wrote, "Your dorm is this one! Right next to mine, you can decorate it however you want!"
     "Okay.." I stepped into my room, there was a bathroom door to the left of me and my bed was on the right side, next to the large window. I walked towards the window, my eyes widened at the view. "Woah!" I gasped, getting on my bed to get a closer look.
     "Beautiful right! They already brought your luggage?" Gojo said, Unzipping it.
     "Hey- Stop it, that's mine!" I protested, trying to zip it closed.
     "I don't understand a single word you're saying, so i'll take that as I can look through it!" Gojo replied, opening it up. I snatched something from my luggage before he saw it, hopefully going unnoticed by him as he said, "..Is that Tigger from Winnie the Pooh?"
     "Maybe.." I replied shyly, putting an item behind my back. I shut my luggage on his hands as he was reaching out to grab Tigger.
     "Ouch! You're a meanie L/n!" He whined, pulling his hands back as he held them close to his chest.
     "Don't go through my stuff." I said, glaring at him.
     "Oh look, you know more than the basics!" He leaned closer to me. "Mind telling me what's behind your back?" He smirks at me, I could feel his warm breath on my face.
     "I'm going to unpack, you leave." I responded, stepping back, ignoring what he said. He stares at me for a couple of seconds before walking out.
     "Buh-bye then!" He waves, not looking back. Leaving the door open. I waited till I heard his steps fade, then I rushed to close the door. I put my back against the door.

Authors notes:
I hope you guys enjoyed it n this is my first time writing a wattpad so
I hope I didnt make anyone out of character but thanks for reading!
All drawings/ pics arent mine

Authors notes: I hope you guys enjoyed it n this is my first time writing a wattpad soI hope I didnt make anyone out of character but thanks for reading!All drawings/ pics arent mine__________________________________

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