Chapter 2 | Exploring Kawasaki City

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__________________________________meaning for Italics: to differentiate when someone speaks Japanese

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meaning for Italics: to differentiate when someone speaks Japanese.

My alarm shrieked, jolting me awake at 5:00 am. I groaned and sat up, slamming my hand onto the clock to silence it. 'No one told me the alarm was set so early,' I thought, spacing out for a moment before finally opening my curtains. The moonlight shone in my room, casting a relaxing glow over everything. My phone buzzed on my desk and I lazily reached over, grabbing it and unplugging it and its charging cord from the wall. I sat there for a minute in the beautiful silence, enjoying the moment. I then walked over to my closet, grabbing my winter-school-uniform and heading into the bathroom.
5:21 am, I quickly walked outside my dorm, heading for the stairs. Satoru and Suguru were talking right below the steps. I sighed, putting my lips into a straight line before walking down the steps. I looked down at my feet while I walked.
"Yo, L/n! Wanna hang out?" Satoru asked, stopping right in front of me as I reached the bottom step. He leaned in closer to my face, a smile spreading across his face as he lightly chuckled. I thought about Satoru's offer.
"Well.. I guess?" I said, my voice wavering slightly. I had my hands clasped together behind my back. I glanced over Satoru's shoulder to see that Shoko and Geto were walking towards the vending machine to the left of us. Satoru took a step back, putting his thumb underneath his chin.
"Great, then how about I show you around the city?" He grinned as he then put his hands behind his back, bringing his face closer to me.
"What?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows, cocking my head to the side. Satoru pulled out his phone and typed what I assume to be what he said. He put his phone screen right in my face. I took a step back, being blinded by the light. I blinked a few times to recover, then I read the message that was in english translation. "Oh!" I said, I thought about it for a moment before nodding slowly as I was unsure. Satoru gave me two thumbs up before wrapping his arm around my shoulder. I tensed up at the sudden touch, shooting Satoru an awkward smile as we walked.

After taking the train to the city, Satoru held my hand and led me through the crowd. I felt a little uncomfortable holding Satoru's hand as my hands were sweating. I tensed my jaw as I looked around at everything, I felt my heart pounding in my chest. Satoru's hands were rough and calloused, he held my hand a bit tighter as we walked through the huge crowd, squeezing through people. He said, "excuse me!" and "sorry!" a couple of times as we pushed through the crowd. I could hear the sound of cars honking and people chatting, and I could smell the scent of food from all the types of restaurants around this place. Satoru stopped abruptly, making me hit his back. I felt like there were people staring at me, maybe even talking behind my back.
"S-sorry!" I stammered, moving to stand right beside him as he was still holding my hand. I could feel the heat rise on my face. Satoru glanced at me, he gave me a soft smile.
"And this is- oh wait.." He said as he grabbed out his phone and typed something on it again, showing me it. It said, "And this is it!" I looked around and saw that there was a massive intersection in front of us. I looked back at him as he gave me a toothy grin.
"Cool? I- I mean.. cool!" I said, correcting myself from speaking in English to Japanese. I rubbed the back of my neck, all of a sudden my stomach growled. My eyes widened a bit as I froze in place. Satoru started to laugh at me, pretending to wipe a tear from his eye. Satoru said something that I partly understood— something with "go get food" and if I remember my translation in my head correctly, he also said "bakery". I nodded, without a second thought he pulled me to a bakery nearby. The smell of the bakery was inviting— the aromas of pastries and other baked goods. I counted around 15 people in it, he got in line as I followed behind him. I cracked my knuckles as I anxiously waited besides him. Satoru acted like a child as he stared at all the options behind the glass container. A genuine smile on his face as he pointed at one of the sweets. I smiled softly in admiration, tilting my head a bit. I tried my best to understand what he was saying.
"This looks so good! Oh look at that one- what're you gonna get?" Satoru's voice was loud, filled with excitement and enthusiasm. His round, black sunglasses fell down on the bridge of his nose, showing a bit of his vibrant blue eyes. His excitement was contagious, I found myself feeling the same way he felt. I matched his energy— just I was quieter than him, glancing behind me a few times as I felt people staring. The bakery was bustling with customers, most of them were sitting down, already having their pastries. The bakery was a small but cute store that consisted of pastel colors. I struggled to keep up with Satoru's rapid Japanese but his energy kept me drawn in. I waited in line patiently as it gave me time to think of what to get. There were currently two people in front of us, I watched as Satoru scanned the menu. We moved up in the line, I couldn't figure out what to get.
"What are you getting?" I asked, spreading out my words as I didn't want to make another mistake.
"Hm, I was thinking of getting multiple things but I can just come back later! I'll just get my favorite, kikufuku!" He replied cheerily, pointing out which one it was as we were now at the front of the line.
"Hello! Can we get.. Zunda flavored kikufuku and.." Satoru said, his voice filled with excitement, he turned to face me, waiting.
"Oh uh- I guess I would like this.." I quickly pointed at something through the glass that looked like a cake filled with some type of cream. Satoru turned back to the cashier and grabbed his wallet out of his pocket.
"That's it! Thank you~!" Satoru flashed a charming smile to the cashier, speaking with a confident tone. I watched as the cashier blushed before taking his card.
     "Y-yeah! Have a nice day!" The cashier smiled at him, giving his card back with a piece of paper with it. 'When did she have time to write that? Did she save that for a moment like this?' I thought to myself. He grabbed his card back, glancing at the paper as the cashier did a hand gesture of a phone call. Mouthing the words, "call me." I rolled my eyes as I snatched the bag of baked goods from her hand. We soon walked away, going outside as the crisp, cold air hit our faces. The loud, busy street's noise came back to haunt us.
     "What was that about-" Satoru spoke as he got cut off by his phone ringing. He sighed in annoyance, grabbing his phone out of his pocket. "Hello?" He asked the person on the other line. His eyes widened a bit from under his sunglasses, for a second he looked stressed.
    "And what was that about?" I asked, I raised a brow, I stopped from walking after he did. He chuckled as he hung up the phone.
     "Well sorry about this but I've gotta go!" He stated before disappearing into thin air. My eyes widened as my jaw dropped, he left me alone in a place I was foreign to.

1322 words.

!! Don't read the authors note unless you want to be spoiled by the manga.. unless you already have been from tiktok-!!

Authors notes:
it's okay Y/n, you have the bag of goodies! You just need a good ol' pat on the back to bring you back down to earth!
ps. dont ask me how long it took for me to get motivated to write this chapter..


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2023 ⏰

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