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Same Old Love/-/-/-/-/-/Chapter Eight

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Same Old Love
Chapter Eight

Thunder roared, Lightning flashed through Seungmin's curtains. Rain fell heavily onto the pavement outside. Seungmin was having a nightmare, about one person from his band, Lee Minho.

"Hyung please! don't leave me, you can't leave me here!"

Seungmin watched as the one he loved walked away leaving him on the wet, cold pavement. He cried and shook due to the coldness of the wind, Minho was leaving him for someone else...

Seungmin sat up on his bed with a loud gasp, he wiped the tears that had been falling from his eyes for too long. He held onto his left hand that was shaking uncontrollably. It felt as if thunder had shook the house, Seungmin felt dizzy, he couldn't see straight, the last thing he saw was his bed room door opening.


Seungmin slowly opened his eyes, he felt a sharp pain go through his head. He groaned and then heard people talking. Once his eyes had opened and everything became less blurry he saw his members staring down at him. "W-what's going on?" Seungmin asked slowly sitting up with the help of Changbin, "we are not sure, we heard you scream and once we came into your room you had, well... fainted." Chan explained, Seungmin's eyes widened and he felt tears build up in his eyes.

He remembered, he remembered the stupid nightmare he had about his hyung, Minho. He breathing heavily, how did he faint from such a little nightmare? He was scared for himself, he he doesn't feel like that a lot. "Here, drink this." Felix exclaimed, handing the younger boy some water, "thanks Lixie." Seungmin mumbled, taking a sip from it. "Do you know why you fainted?" Chan asked and Seungmin shook his head, "I only had a nightmare." Seungmin whispered softly and Chan nodded, "what was that nightmare about?" He then asked, Seungmin shook his head, "I'd rather not talk about it." Seungmin replied, Chan nodded, "fine, rest for a little." He said and all the members left the room, well nearly all of them.

"Tell me, what was the nightmare about, I can keep a secret." Seungmin looked to his side and saw Minho, he was kinda shocked that out of all the members, Minho had stayed. "I said I don't wanna talk about it." Seungmin reminded, Minho nodded, "yes, but you will have to tell us eventually. Or... you could just tell me." Minho smiled, Seungmin turns to the wall and he then heard a sigh. "So, you'd rather tell everyone what happened?" Minho asked as he sat on the younger boys bed, "no- well... i-i just don't wanna tell you." Seungmin grumbled, "why not?" Minho tilted his head, even though he knew the younger boy couldn't see him.

"Fine." Seungmin huffed, he slowly turned back at Minho with a frown. "I was left alone, in the dark, thunder, lightning and rain all around me." Seungmin confessed as he bit his lip remembering the cold air and fear that he felt in the dream. "Who left you alone?" Minho asked softly, he leaned closer to the younger boy. "Don't wanna say, I said enough." Seungmin said closing his eyes, "come on Seungmin, you might as well tell me." Minho said, crossing his arms. Seungmin sighed, "you.." he mumbled, "what?" Minho asked, not being able to hear Seungmin, "you.." Seungmin mumbled even quieter, "Seungmin, I can't hear-" "you!" Seungmin yelled biting hard on his lip.

Minho was shocked, he didn't know what to say. Why did Seungmin have a nightmare about Minho? Why did it hurt his so much that he fainted? Minho was confused, he also felt bad knowing that he caused the younger boy pain. "I'm sorry." Minho said as he slowly backed away from Seungmin, "d-don't be, just lay down and go to sleep." Seungmin said, pulling the older boy down. Minho nodded still not knowing what to say, he decided to go to sleep in Seungmin's room for two reasons. One, it was three in the morning and he was tired. Two, he wanted to make sure the younger boy would not faint again.

Thank you for reading!
Next chapter out soon! <3

/-/-/-/-/-/Thank you for reading!Next chapter out soon! <3

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