Chapter 17 - The truth hurts

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Disclaimer: The show Victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.

Second Chance, Second Choice

Chapter 17 – The truth hurts

Jade's POV.

After I dropped off Tori, I went home. As I entered my house, I realized that Tori could tell me what happens to my parents. Would my father continue to be a dry, boring man whose only interest was the balance sheet's that constantly littered the desk in his home office?

I don't think I'll ask. I have too much on my mind already.

Retiring to my room, hidden behind thick curtains, I lay in bed and stared at the ceiling.

After a few moments I pictured me and my bed, floating on this vast ocean of time. Above me not a ceiling, but stars. What did it all mean?

Such things, I doubt I've ever really given much thought. In fact, most people dully, go through life and remain vastly unaware of even the simplest of things around them. How could they ponder such a concept of time being an ocean? Yet we all float through this thing, or do we inhabit the shores? I just don't know.

As I continue to ponder, I find the lyrics of a Jim Croce song drift through my mind.

Unable to resist, I sing the opening line. "If I could save time in a bottle."

I lay there for a while longer before I couldn't stand thinking about it anymore. There's only so much one can ponder about the state of the universe and their place in it, before they either get a headache or just plain hungry. I was starting to get both. I needed to distract myself. So, I made some popcorn and watched one of my favorite, Vincent Price horror Movies, 1973's, Theatre of Blood. It's a campy film, in which Vincent Price plays an insane stage actor who decides to murder all of the critics who criticized his performances in the manner of various deaths from Shakespeare's plays. It's a fun little romp and what I needed to get my mind off of all this insanity; by watching someone else's.

After that was done, I followed it up with another Vincent Price film, 1968's Witchfinder General. In that film, Price plays a man in 17th century England whose job is to hunt evil witches, but in actuality he's pretty fucking evil himself. The people he accuses of witchcraft, not as much. It was a nice diversion from my own troubles.

I napped for a bit after that and when I woke up it was nearly 6 pm. She was pretty upset earlier, so I decided to check up on her. I'm letting myself care about her already, how revolting.

Stupid wench from the future. I'm not sure who I want to hate more, Tori or myself from the future. What a pair of boneheads. Perhaps I'm better off going into porn and eventually sticking a gun in my mouth.

I called her up and she answered quickly, sounding somewhat depressed.

"Hello Jade."

"Well Vega." I quipped Acidly, "You've already begun to suck me in as here I am, checking up on you. How are you feeling?"

She hesitated for a moment, before answering. "I'm ok now. I've been reading and listening to music; relaxing like you suggested. I'm sorry I got so upset. I will tell you the rest of the story, it's just...."

"I get it, traumatic. If it helps, it hasn't happened yet. Well let's not worry about that now. I have something else that's been on my mind."


"This thing with Cat and Beck, how they were carrying on, what's with that? How did Robbie find out originally?"

Tori hesitated again, only this time the pause was longer and seemed a bit awkward. That didn't give me a good feeling at all.

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