chapter 4

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Michael's Pov

The bitch and i, walked back to the dorms. The girlo who was bound to torment me, was blasting her god damb music through her headphones so loud i could hear every word I could actually admit she had a decient taste in music. Teenagers by M.C.R was one of my personal favourates, suddenly the fact that she was listening to one of my favourate songs was bugging me, so i bellowed "Oi, BITCH. TURN OFF THAT DAMBED MUSIC" then she turned to me with a patronising smirk turning up her music in the process . By this time i could tell my face was red with anger and fustration that she didn't acknowledge my obviouse authority.

We reach the dorm and she jumped onto the bed completily ignoring my presents as she cacooned in the covers. so i just walked up to my stereo, hoping to annoy her by blasting my music out but all she did was turn off her Ipod and started to sing along to the music i played.

Skylar's Pov

I knew that The Idiot was trying to piss me off by playing his music but the thing he didn't know was i liked the song so i went with the roll and started singing along. As expected he turned the music off with a deathly glare and an egsarsparated sigh. I smiled innocently rolling over, laughing inwardly at The Idiots deliberation to annoy me 'not gonna happen mate' i spoke quietly making sure he doesnt hear, not that i mind of anything. After a tense, almost palable silence , Thhe Idiot muttered someting under his breath, barley audible.

"sorry what was that?" i said partially to annoy him, but also because i wanted to know.

He hesitated "I said that if we're going to be roomates at least we should be on speaking terms".

Well that was unexpected, sceptical, i replyed to his out-of-the-blue comment.

" sorry, but i can't even bear to look at you, sooo......." Okay, so that awsn't strictly true, but it stopped him in his tracks. whatever joke he thought this was, it was not funny.

"look" he snapped, suddenly fustrated " I'm trying to be nice, so cut me some Fucking Slack!!"

so maybe it wasn't a joke afterall. I nodded.

"Okay umm sorry. so speaking terms..." Unexpectedly Michael laughed, a suprising walm sound.

"you know, you don't have to sound so suprised. Incase you didn't realize, this is the longest conversation we've had".

He was right. i gave a short laugh "Okay, so what do you propose we talk about?"

"You" he blurtes out, but then coreccted himself "I mean us.. I mean, we can talk about ourselves like....we could play like ... 20 questions"

" Okay, 20 questions, why don't you go first?" i was entirly bewildered by this situation.

"why did you move to this school?" I could tell that he had chosen a safe topic to ask about due to the arkward atmosphere surrounding us.

"next, don't wanna answer" it may have seemee like a safe question but it was far from it to me "um,ok then, any siblings?" he said, a look of confusion on his face.

"Nope what about you you?" Talking to michael wasn't that bad.

he grinned " only child aswell" he gestured towards me "your turn"

I thought for a moment before asking a question that was a 100% safe to ask "favourite band?" "Greenday" he answered without missing a beat "obviouly".

We continued playing for a while, asking the usual mundane questions, I learnt that he like Fastback mustangs, horror movies and that he played guitar. I also learned that his friends form the cafe, play wit him in a band. He learned that i love green day, FOB, ATL, FIR and evenesance and that i was uncomfortable answering persinal questions of any sort.

By that point, it was late and i got into bed , painfully aware of his sleeping figure in the other side of the room.

hiya guys thanks for readinghope you likes it. this will carry on with more chapters coming soon.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2015 ⏰

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