I really shouldn't have done that deal with Rick, now i feel like i shouldn't hit on other guys but he did say we're just fuck buddies. That means no strings attached right?
I literally just noticed i only hang out with boys, why am i not hanging out with girls like at all?? I can't just like go up to a girl and tell her "we should be friends"
Right now, i'm with Alicia in my dorm room, she was talking about her sex life with trent, not that i need to know. It just amuses me how she used to like girls and now she's all over trent.
"Hey do you want to meet my girlfriends?" alicia suddenly asked
"Girlfriends? like friends but girls? not like a couple right?"
"Yeah, so you want to? i can invite them over"
I shrugged, "sure i think it's time for me to have new girl friends"
Alicia squealed and immediately started typing at her phone "Okay, they're on their way here"
Someone then knocked on the door and alicia frowned, "that was fast" she said confused
She opened the door and gasped "wha-what are you doing here?"
"Alicia who is it?" i asked and went to the door "What the hell Kian? Why are you here?"
"Why not? I can come anytime i want to" he said and came in my room, uninvited by the way.
Alicia grabbed my arm and whispered "what is he doing here???? you guys are close or what? you've got some explaining to do britney"
I chuckled nervously and just nodded that i'll explain everything later and to stay her cool while he's here.
Kian turned the T.V. on and got comfortable on MY bed "Hey you got some porn here?"
I facepalmed and slapped the back of his head "Are you crazy? There's no porn here and who said you can come here without me knowing?? Jeez, i swear if someone suspects something about you and I, i'll tell them you blackmailed me"
"Go ahead, let's see if they'll believe you"
"Oh that's just great. You really have wrong timing, there's a bunch of girls coming over"
"Good for me, introduce me to the ladiessss"
"Gawd you're such a boy"
"Because I AM a boy and what's so wrong about me being here? Let's just say we're friends"
"But that's the thing, we're not friends? And friends, wouldn't leave someone hanging if you know what i mean"
He laughed "That's for calling me gay when i certainly know that i'm not, just wanted to make a point sweetheart"
I scoffed "Don't call me that or any pet names at all and i didn't call you gay, i asked if you were one because there's a lot of rumors about you"
"Well sweetheart, would i do that to you if i was?"
"Damn it Kian, why can't i ever win when i'm arguing with you? It's really pissing me off" i argued
"Then let's not argue, end of discussion" he said
I sat down on the couch next to him and Alicia was somewhere in the room doing something.

How I Rule
Ficção AdolescenteWhat's the first thing you think of when you hear the word badass? Scary and intimidating people? Rulebreakers? Ones you should stay away from? You're right. That's Britney Gail, yes, a girl. I guess you can call her a badass or a badgirl for gettin...