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I woke up to the sound of my alarm
Huh am I late? ...wait I don't have school. I was going to wake up frd
on my bed when I saw a message on my phone



                                      Yeah yeah SORRY-

I'll get ready!!

be there at 9 OKi?



My love I can't wait to meet you...


After we reached our destination I kept hearing voices in my head like

"Remember that I'm always there for you"

Maybe I'm just crazy..

you finally reached here devu

Yeah yeah I'm sorry I slept too much -

Hey I'm gonna go pray are you coming?

Wait I'll be back let me just Enjoy the view..

Oh okay..

The breeze is so cool but why am I getting chills? Is it too cold.?

Suddenly I saw something come out of the water. It's seems more like a person.. With a flute and a feather on their head.  The amazing melody made me forget all my problems as I was enjoying the music..  Little did I know who it was...

I couldnt see anything but.. Was I alive?

Wake up wake up Daughter what happened to you dear!

H-huh where am i-

Oh my god are you okay dear..  Yeah.

I don't even know these people but I feel  a connection between them. Why?  Who am I?  I know I'm devu but what am I doing here?

Didi are you  okay... We were so worried.

um yeah..

It's better if I act like I know them.

Uh well mother ( I think she is my mom) 

What's my name I know it's a stupid question but...

Your name is devishri

Devishri.. . Seems.. Kind of familiar..

As I talked with my so called sisters
They told me their names Sindhi and
Eesha. And I was the oldest among them even though I don't remember them I still feel a connection with them..

I was sitting on the Edge of my bed when I thought of exploring this place I stood from my spot and went to the balcony which had a garden ASWELL a swing..

Suddenly I could here someone playing the flute as I saw someone on the swing for a brief second but I couldn't properly recognize the person..maybe it was an illusion...well be ready to die devnaa

                              Thanks for reading ~

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