~11~ "Valentines day special"❤️

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Sorry this came out a bit late! I hope you all enjoy though<3

Noah POV:
I was laying on the bed with Michael on top of me. He was asleep, and cuddled on me. I thought about what I should give him for valentine's day. "Maybe flowers and chocolates would work."

I muttered very quietly to myself. I carefully got up and put Michael back down on the bed. He whined in his sleep and I saw him furrow his eyebrows a little. I looked around for something to be a replacement.

I saw one of his plushies on the other side of the bed, and I smiled. I got it and put it in his arms. He smiled for a split second and continued to sleep peacefully. I chuckled and got changed into a random shirt and jeans.

I put on my shoes and grabbed my phone from the nightstand. I quietly opened the door and looked back to make sure Mike was still sleeping, which he was. I smiled and closed the door. I grabbed my keys and my wallet from the counter and went out the door and in my car.

Once Noah got to the store...

I went inside of the store and saw many valentine decorations. There were heart stickers on some of the windows, with some hearts that were hanging from the ceiling. There was many sections that had valentine stuff, like bears, roses, chocolates and cards. I headed over to one of the sections and looked around.

I wasn't going to get him chocolates since, well he couldn't eat. So I decided to just get him flowers, a bear and a card. I looked at flowers, and decided to just get the roses, it's common but they are one of the best flowers to give someone on valentine's day.

I took one of the bouquets and went to look for a bear. I found an aisle where it had rows of them. Each bear had something attached to it like a rose, chocolates, a card, all that type of stuff.

I grabbed one that had a card attached to it, then I wouldn't need to get another card. The card was able to get pulled out, so it was a good choice. I think that was all I was going to get, so I just went to the register.

The cashier was sorting some stuff out and then looked up at me. "Oh hello sir! How are you doing today?" She smiled. "I'm fine. How about you?" I returned the smile, I didn't want to seem rude. "I'm great, thanks for asking. You have a valentine, I suppose?"

She laughed as she looked at the items I was purchasing. "Yes, I do." She smiled again as she put the items in the bag. "Your total is seven dollars and fifty-six cents."

(I live in the US, so we call it dollars. If you live anywhere else you can replace dollars with whatever currency you use if you'd like<3)

I took out my wallet and gave her my card. She swiped it and smiled. "Thank you sir, have a nice day!" She then gave the card back to me. "Thanks, you too." I took the bag and left. I got back in the car and drove back home.

Back at their house...

I opened the front door and looked around. No one was there. "He's probably still sleeping." I thought. I put my keys and wallet back on the counter and went up the stairs to our room.

I opened the door and saw Michael sitting on the bed with the plushie and on his phone. He looked up and smiled. "Hi love!" He got up from the bed and went to hug me. I chuckled and hugged him back, placing the bag down. "Hey darling." "Whatcha got there?"

He asked as he pointed to the bag. I smiled. "If you put on a blindfold, i'll tell you." He looked at me confused but nodded. He went to the drawer and put on the blindfold that we had in there, for surprises and other stuff.

I carried the bag again and walked up to him. I took out the flowers and the bear. I hadn't actually read the card, so hopefully it said something nice. "You can take it off now." He looked up at me and took off the blindfold.

Once it was off, his eyes widened. He blushed and smiled. "Happy valentine's day love." I tilted my head to the side and smiled. He laughed and hugged me again. "Thank you love." He pulled back and took the bear out of my hands.

I put the flowers on the bed and my hands behind my back. "Do you like it?" He nodded and hugged the bear. "I love it, thank you." He went on his tippy-toes and kissed my cheek. I chuckled and kissed him on the lips. "You wanna watch a movie?"

I asked and smiled. "Yeah, sure." He returned the smiled. I changed back into comfortable clothes and Michael went downstairs to get the movie ready. I took my shoes off and put on some shorts and just kept my shirt on. I went outside and walked downstairs to where Michael was sitting with a blanket. He saw me coming over and smiled.

I returned it and turned off one of the lights. I kept our kitchen light on though since our house got pretty dark when all the lights were turned off, and Michael wasn't a very big fan of the dark. I went over to him and got under the blanket. He scooted over to me and put his head on my shoulder. I rubbed the top of his head and then put my head lightly on his.

About an hour later, Michael ajax fallen asleep. I laughed quietly and turned off the movie. I layed down and layed Michael on top of me. I carefully wrapped the blanket on top of us. I kissed his forehead and smiled. "Good night darling." Then fell asleep.

1021 words! Sorry this was a bit short and late. I hope you all have a nice day! I'm working on a chapter right now, so do not worry. It will hopefully be out soon! I love you all take care, and happy valentine's day<3 See you soon!

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