Sehun's story

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11 years ago

A little sehun cried alone at the park by his house. He was bullied once again. He doesn't know why everyone picks on him. They just do. He's tried telling teachers, the principal and even his own parents but the bullies just threaten to hurt him even more. He felt a presence near him. He looked up into the warm or of his mother.

He smiled a little bit. His mother had that look that made him feel warm and safe. She picked him up and snuggled closer to him. "Now my little sese why were you crying? His mother said in her usual honey sweet voice. "The kids at school bully me. I don't know why" sehun finally told his mother. " Oh my little bunny it's ok! Mommy will tall to the principal and we'll get it fixed" she replied. "But mommy they Said if I told anyone they would hurt me more" Sehun said as tears slipped down his cheeks.

"They won't hurt you anymore mommy promises" She smiled as she finished. By then sehun was asleep in her arms. She walked into the house and saw her husband with a worried look upon his face. He had been scared when sehun wasn't home at the usual time. "What happened? He asked. "Kids at school are bullying him and he didn't tell us cause they said if he told anyone they'll hurt him more" She answered. "Lets send him to a different school! It'll be a new start for him" Sehun's mother smiled at the idea.

The next day sehun's parents explained that he will be going to a new school so the bullied can't hurt him anymore. He was so happy. They had everything ready for his new school.

Sehun walked through the corridors of the hallway looking for room 88. Once he found it he knocked on the door. He was scared as he heard the shuffling of feet coming towards the door. That fear however was immediately gone when a nice lady opened the door. "Well hello there! Are you Oh Sehun? Sehun nodded. "Well hello sehun I'm miss Lee" the lady smiled down at sehun. "Hello mith lee" Sehun replied with his lisp coming out to play. "Oh! How cute" miss lee said.

She took sehun's hand and walked him to the front of class. "Class this is your new student Sehun. Treat him well! Now sehun can you Introduce yourself" sehun nodded. "Hello I'm Oh thehun pleath treat me well" everyone in the class snickered at sehun's lisp which made the boy hide behind miss lee. "Class be nice his lisp is nothing to laugh over. Sehun sweetie go sit over there beside suzy. Suzy sweetie could you raise your hand so sehun can see you" just as miss Lee finished hand shot up. Sehun walked towards it. He was met with a girl with long shiny black hair. "Hello sehun I'm suzy! Nice to meet you" she put her hand out. Sehun shook it. "Hi" he replied now afraid his lisp will come out.

Year's later

The past years weren't the worst for sehun but they weren't the best either. People bullied him again because of his lisp. Now in high school he had bigger problems. Exams. The kids he knows still bully him. He's so far made one friend. Mei Li. She is his best friend even though they've only met recently. The two are practically inseparable.

Sehun was walking home when he heard gunshots in the distance. They sounded like they were coming from his house. Sehun ran towards his house. He arrived just in time to see a car driving fast down the lane. He ran into the house only to be met with his parents dead and bleeding out in his living room. His parents were holding each others hand while holding sehun's favourite stuffy cheshy his cat stuffy from when he was a child

Sehun cried that night all alone. His happiness taken from him. After that he never smiles. He hasn't told anyone what happened except the police.


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