The Answer

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An adolescent Y/N was sitting on a swing the hung on a tree outside his families home, he could hear his parents as well as someone else inside talking about what had just transpired earlier that day. 

The school bus that Y/N was riding on suddenly lost control and went into the river, but before anyone was seriously hurt Y/N managed to pushed the bus out of river and onto shore. He saved everyone

One of the parents of the kids on the bus was over at the L/N residence explaining what her kid had saw, and what Y/N did, calling it an act of God and also claiming that Y/N had done stuff like this before.

Y/N's father, F/N looked out the window to the swing that Y/N was sitting on only to see it vacant. Grabbing his coat, F/N went outside and walked over to Y/N who was now sitting on the flatbed of their pickup truck.

Y/N: I just wanted to help

F/N: I know you did but we talked about this, you have to keep this side of yourself a secret

Y/N: Frustrated What was I supposed to do? Just let them die?

F/N lowered his head before explaining further, 

F/N: There's more at stake then just our lives Y/N or the lives of those around us.

F/N sat on the flatbed next to his son. 

F/N: You saw how she reacted, she was scared.

Y/N: on the verge of tears Why?

F/N: sighs People are afraid of what they don't understand

Y/N: Is she right? Did God do this to me?

F/N contemplated for a moment before he decided it was time his son knew the truth. In the barn, F/N opened a secret compartment in the floor which was the size of a regular room. He pulled the off tarp that was covering a large object to reveal a small spacecraft.

F/N: We found you in this, we thought for sure that the government was going to show up at our door but nobody ever came 

Y/N stared in awe at the vessel that was before him.

F/N pick up a small box and took something out of it 

F/N: This was in the chamber with you.

He explained while handing it to the young Y/N 

F/N: I took it to a metallurgist at H/S (Home State) state and he told me whatever it was made of didn't... didn't even exist on the periodic table.

Y/N head startled reeling with this news, put his hand on the space craft to support himself. 

F/N: It's another way of saying that it's not from this world Y/N

F/N continued, giving his son a sympathetic look. 

F/N: And neither are you.

Y/N didn't know what to say, part of him hoped that this wasn't true, that his father was lying to him. But deep down he knew, that it was all true.

F/N: You're the answer son, you're the answer to 'are we alone in the universe?'

Y/N spun around to look at F/N, 

Y/N: I don't want to be!

He said, with a hint of stress in his voice.

F/N: I don't blame you son, it's a huge burden for anyone to bare. But one day these changes you're going through, and one day you're gonna have to make a choice. A choice to stand proud in front of the human race or not

Y/N looked up to his father

Y/N: Can't I just keep pretending I'm your son?"

F/N: You are my son! 

His voice breaking, while pulling his son into a hug. 

F/N: But somewhere out there you have another father who gave you another name, and I have to believe he sent you here for a reason. And even if it takes the rest of your life, you owe it to yourself to find out what that reason is.

End Flashback

Present Day

Somewhere up north, Y/N was seen working at a bar, bussing tables while a singer sings on stage. He'd been here for a while while on his journey, he and the bartender Chrissy made eye contact a gave each other a smile before getting back to work.

While clearing a table, Y/N overheard a couple of SHIELD agents talking about a potential unidentified craft up near the arctic circle.

However he was quickly pulled out of his thoughts when he heard a customer harassing Chrissy, he turned to face them to see a truck driver named Ludlow slapped her on the butt before she swatted his hand away. 

Y/N walked up and put a hand on Ludlow's shoulder, 

Y/N: Hey, leave her alone man.

He kept a calm tone as to not escalate the situation further

Ludlow threw his hat off before standing up aggressively, trying to intimidate Y/N unsuccessfully, 

Ludlow: Or what, tough guy?

Y/N: Or I'm gonna have to ask you to leave 

but Ludlow just gave him a smartass smirk. 

Ludlow: I think, I'll probably just leave when I'm good and ready.

He said before throwing a pitcher of beer in Y/N's face and dumping the rest on his head which caused laughter from the other bar patrons.

Ludlow then tried to shove Y/N back, unsuccessfully which caused him to step back in awe. Before anyone could do anything else, Chrissy stepped up to Y/N and put her hand on his shoulder. 

Chrissy: It's not worth it sweetie

Deciding that she was right, Y/N took off his apron and turned to walk out of the bar. 

Ludlow: Hey asshole don't forget your tip

Ludlow chucked a beer can at his back. Trying his best to ignore it, Y/N just walked out of the bar.

Later Ludlow walked out of the bar to head to his truck when he stopped in his tracks, his log truck was suspended and impaled by several of the logs. 

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