💭꒐'ꂵ ꒯ꄲꋊꏂ💭

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Rui: Tsukasa-kun, what happened? Is everything okay?

Tsukasa: Do I look okay to you, Rui? Do I seriously look okay?! I have been crying for the past hour, my eyes are all red and puffy and I can't get a hold of my emotions anymore. I can't just simply be my little perfect self!

Rui: What made you think like that?

Tsukasa: Everything made me think like this, Rui! Everything! I'm tired of always overworking myself over dumb reasons and never getting anything out of it, tired of thinking I'm the best even though I'm the worst and most selfish person on the planet! Tired, because I can't seem to stop hating myself over things I never did! I'm done, Rui, I'm done!

Rui: Oh dear...


Rui hugged Tsukasa, as a motion to calm him down and stop his crying, but it didn't help. Tsukasa was so focused on his own thoughts that not even the affection and help his boyfriend was giving seemed to help him.


Tsukasa: I need some fresh air...


Tsukasa broke the hug and went outside of his own house. He closed the door behind as he broke down in tears, hiding, so no one would hear his ugly sobs.

He expected this to be a normal day with no thoughts coming to his own mind to miss with his head, but he was dead wrong...

💭꓄ꁝꏂ ꏂꋊ꒯💭

💭ꋬ꒤꓄ꁝꄲꋪ ꋊꄲ꓄ꏂꇙ💭

I, once again, let my thoughts get over me and I don't know what to seriously do anymore

Life is getting harder and my emotions are going to take a vacation soon

Might as well become Mafuyu now and end of the story

I don't even know why people care about me so I'll just let that thought on stand by

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