Magic Test Season

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Chapter 21

Liam can't help but be confuse why this child always come closer, he even held his hand without asking any permission.

Liam did admit that he will take care of him but that doesn't mean that he should always take care of him until he grow up.

But seeing Vincent beaming aura despite the fact that he has an indifferent look in his face, however you can tell by just feeling his different atmosphere.

Right now, is he perhaps feeling happy?

Liam sighed out as they finally arrived at the hall where students gathered for the Magic test season to try out how powerful their magic was, And this magic test can tell if you have power or not.

And that makes Liam a bit nervous and anxious. Because the moment the entire students knew he had no power, that will be the time his snake sister will come out and tarnish his reputation.

Well to be exact, He is not worried at all, if someone tried to destroy his reputation. What he worries the most is Vincent, because his the kid who always stays close to him, that worries him the most. because he will be brought down with him. His reputation will also break.

When he was looking around, his eyes suddenly landed at the blue butterfly who was fluttering it's wings in the ceiling.

    " What-? Dion is here?! " Seeing the butterfly he can't help but keep on looking around, to see his little baby brother.

    " What's wrong? ' Vincent asked, as his grasp of Liam's hand tighten.
    " U-uhm. I have to go, I'll be back " Liam says out as he met the void eyes of the person, his aura changes tremendously fast. His mad...

    " Can you just stay here? " Vincent says out, Liam suddenly got tensed when he sees those dead dark eyes gazing to him, it was as if he was gazing right at his soul.

    " It's an emergency. " Liam scoffed angrily,
    " Than I should come with you " Vincent respond.

    " No, you stay here. This is family matters." Liam says out as Vincent just scoffed and let his hand go.

    " Fine.. "
Liam can see that his mad but his baby brother is the most important he have to find, he went inside the crowd of student following the butterfly who was fluttering on the ceiling.

Vincent clicks his tongue when he glances at the blue butterfly at the ceiling, his face suddenly turned ugly.
    " ... He really want my day to be worst. "

Liam finally sees a familiar blond hair, who was talking with other students. But when he was about to call him, the loud noises of the president of the school blocks all the other sound.

Liam can't help but cover his ears, it's so loud that it suddenly breaks your brain into half.

The noise finally stopped as the entire students looked at the president, it was really quiet now. Really quiet.

     " Students of the Academy, Welcome to the magic test. Where you finally know your powers and limit to it. " The president smiled as he gestures his hands at the crowd.

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