chapter 2 'every silent moment'

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Long title 🧍‍♂️ 🌚 also Hi! Sorry for taking so long to post this😅also this chapter has a few images soooo yeah ART 🤩 random music that doesn't even fit with the chapter cuz why not haha👹


trophys pov

.........*beep* ..*beep*..*bee-SLAM "ugh my eyes" i get up from my bed tissues still sleeping on his, i go to the bathroom like i do every morning brush my teeth and go to the kitchen this time with my camera there's not that much peaple just knife and paper watching on the t.v and yinyang making two made breakfast, one plate with eggs and bacon and a cup of tea and one is a bowl of cereal, thats nice and theres cheesy-.......oh no. hes gonna think im werid after yesterday isnt he?! oh no what do i do what do i do what do i do?!- "hey trophy lookin pretty golden today!" he says happily and slaps his knee. oh "i don't think that even makes sense" i say back, he looks at me and hands me toast "i dont care! the toast bread er be good tho" he slaps his knee agian. i swear his puns just get worse every time he makes a new one "um ok?" i say to him with a cunfuesd look, i eat the toast he gave to me it was kinda burnt "did you make this in a oven, it tastes weird" i asked he just looks at me and starts laughing "what?! no of coarse not! sorry if its burnt i put the time a little too long hehe" he says..his laugh was...diffrent. i quitely laugh eating my burnt toast, I look at cheesy as he eats his toast. A thought comes to my mind

How is he...

Always so happy?..It could be raining and he'll still be smiling, I wonder how he keeps it, I finish my toast and walk outside, cheesy runs to me and starts walking at my paste "umm hi?" "hello!" He says back catching his breath, I walk to a picnic table that was slightly under a tree, I sit on the bench (idk what the chair thing is called 🧍‍♂️) cheesy just stands there looking at me eating his toast ".. You gonna sit?" "Just a moment" cheesy eats his toast finishing it "done!" I-..ok, I hold my camera and adjust it. This picnic table was a pretty good place to take pictures, the shadow made from the leaves made the place. a little nicer, as I adjust the camera a leaf fall's on cheesy, I look at him and the leaf I len in to grab the leaf and cheesy looks at me "uhh trophy, what are you doing?" Oh wait I didn't realize how close I was, I grab the leaf and quickly throw it "there was a leaf on you" I say acting like nothing happened, cheesy looks like he got a cold is he embarrassed!? Oh no I embarrassed him didn't I, oh no that most have been really awkwad, what is wrong with me!? ".....sorry" I say to him quietly not trying to make it more awkward. It was more awkward "it's alright!" He says back shaking his hand in the air, I look at my camera oh yeah that's what I came here for, idk what to take a picture of, it would be weird to after that tho, our faces were so close! And he looked like he had a cold and there was a leaf on him and he was still smiling? Maybe it wasn't that bad, I guess, I put my hands on the table (I. Don't. KNOW. 😭) I fidget with my hands and look around wondering what to do
"...Soo how wasss your sleep?" I ask him awkwardly "good" he says to me "mine was awful I hate sleeping in the SAME room as tissues!" I say to him slightly yelling "hehe that wasn't a really a golden thing to say" he slaps his knee, I start to laugh, he looks at me like he has never met me before "wow that's the first time I saw you laugh at my joke? Beside when you fake laugh and make fun of me-" I grab his shoulder "heh sorry for that" I say back to him my hand still on his soulder, he smiles wider with sparkles in his eyes, I look at him smiling, his jokes where mostly annoying but funny it's nice seeing him happy even if he's happy all the time, his smile made me feel safe and warm inside how can he stay so positive? I- wait WHAT AM I THINKING?!! WARM WHAT WHY DO I FEEL WARM ?! I let go of his shoulder and look at him, he was still smiling, I stop laughing and smile "wanna get something to drink?" (Not alcohol . 😨) He asks me "yeah sure" I grab my camera and put it on my neck (???) I get up from the bench as cheesy jumps off the bench, we start walking to the vending machine, he grabs two coins (magic😱?!) He gives me one, he gets himself a can of pop and i grab myself water "so where we heading?" He looks at me I open my water and take a sip "I'm not sure, hey wanna see if there making lunch?" "Yep!" We start walking to the hotel, I open the door as cheesy walks behind me, we go inside the building and go to the kitchen, I saw oj on the phone ordering pizza while lightbulb is making sugar cookies with yellow purple white and black frosting, "huh looks like we're having pizza" I say to cheesy "yes I love pizza!" It's not surprising that he loves pizza to be honest, I silently laugh "let's go back outside it's boiling in here!" I say wiping my face, "yeah it's a pretty hot day, but not as hot as you!" He says back pointing finger guns and winks, WHAT WHAT WHAT THE FRICK WAS THAT CHEESY WHAT IF PEOPLE HEARD THAT hold on did he just call me hot. .  ..wha, I start to sweat more I wipe my face with my hand trying to stop sweating while walking outside. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. still shocked that he just said that "...Heh trophy it was a joke sorry if I made you uncomfy" he says to me with his hand behind his head (???) "NO NO NO! i-it's alright! Heh it just caught me off guard! Hehe I'm ganna die " I say to him
"Hehe sorry" we start to walk around the hotel as I start to
calm down, I see a lady bug on a pink flower and I slowly start to walk to it, I place my water in the grass and grab my camera cheesy quietly walks closer to see to, I adjust my camera (🌚) and zoom on the lady bug and flower, I take the picture and watch as the lady bug flys off from the pink flower "ooo can I see the photo?" Cheesy says "yeah sure!" I show him the photo "... Wow that must be a really good camera and skills!" "Heh.. Thanks, oh and this camera Was around six hundred dollars" "SIX HUNDRED DOLLARS!? THAT'S MORE THEN MY LIFE SAVINGS!"
I laugh a little "yeah it's pretty expensive" I say to his shocked face, I pick up my water bottle and stand up grabbing cheesy's hand and lifting him up, I see a car drive to the hotel, it stops then a pizza cutter with 5 boxes of pizza walks out of it, wow that's a lot of pizza "hey look pizza's here" I tell cheesy "PIZZA!!" He jumps with his arms in the air, we wait till the person leaves from we can head inside, don't wanna get in the way ofc"Ugh FINALLY they leave!" "Yeah oj took way to long grabbing ha money" "yeah pfft wait what if was like idk using the bathroom?" "Wh-why are we talking about this" we start to walk to the hotel cheesy follows me almost running, we see people all around the place grabbing pizza, cheesy runs in to grab a pizza and runs back to me with two pieces of pizza and hands me one "wow cheesy thanks" "its the yeast i can do!" cheesy slaps his knee "umm where did your can" "i- oh i think i dropped it" we both look down at the spilled pop "cheesy" "umm hehe oops" he picks up the can on the ground and i look for cleaning supplies, I put away my camera and grab a mop and go back to the mess i see cheesy standing there with the can and pizza in his hands and a girl in front of him complaining about the spilled pop that she stepped on, people were surrounding them, i walk to the scene holding the mop "hey back off it was a accident i was gonna clean it up anyways" "ugh fine just be quick" i scoff at her as she walks by "ugh hey you ok dude-' i look at cheesy almost crying "um yeah im fine" cheesy puts the can in the recycle bin.

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