0 • Author's note

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Before you read this story, I'd like to clear up any possible confusion. 

First of all, when it states: Cannon Universe, what follows will be the story of Swap!Deuce, who managed to get himself stuck in the cannon universe. If it doesn't clarify, please assume you are following the narrative of cannon Deuce in the Swap!AU (Which is who the story will be mainly focusing on. However, every few chapters I will provide a little bonus scene of Swap!Deuce living in the cannon universe for the funsies)

Second of all, a character named Basil will be mentioned. Basil Newman is my Yuusona, and he will be taking the place of MC. Here's some art of him I made (And yes, I also made the cover art, thanks for asking):

 Here's some art of him I made (And yes, I also made the cover art, thanks for asking):

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(You can follow me @eggyumyum on Tumblr or @Eggyumyummy on YT

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(You can follow me @eggyumyum on Tumblr or @Eggyumyummy on YT. It would be greatly appreciated ^^)

Third, I'd like to thank Azurith on A03. Their works titled "The Broken Mirrors" heavily inspired me to make my own story, with a little bit of personal flair.

And finally, regarding my upload schedule!! I have a life, so I really hope you don't mind if my chapter upload schedule is random and I may step away from uploading the next parts of the story for a bit.

Anyways, enough rambling and thank you for reading! I hope you enjoy :)

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