Chapter 2 we learn not to eat random berries

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Chapter 2

"Lucia time to wake up. It's dawn." I gently shook the sleeping girl by the shoulders. As she woke up a look of panic spread over her face as she tried to figure out what was going on, a moment later she relaxed. "I remember now. What do we do, we don't have any food or water." "We find some." I responded to my younger sibling's question, "Let's go."

We wandered until we found what appeared to be a black berry patch and a little stream of sparkling clear water. I ran and jumped in laughing, however the water was deeper then I was tall so it rushed over my head. I tried to swim but choked on the crisp water, as I fought an invisible force pulling me down.

Desperately I kicked and clawed to the surface. I felt a hand grab my arm and pull me out of the water, and a second later I was laying, soaking wet, coughing and gasping on Lucia. "Well, it appears that we will have to relearn to swim." I said as soon as I could breathe again. "Stupid! Why would you do that? You can't do these kinds of things Lola." She scolded. "Sorry." I sheepishly responded.

I glanced over at the water to see a half starved, thin, girl with tangled black hair and pale gray eyes peering back at me. Wordlessly I pointed a shaking finger at the lake as Lucia looked over as well. She drew in a sharp breath before she lifted her hands to her face in disbelief.

I looked closely at Lucia for the first time, taking in the black hair, pale face and large gray eyes. "Your hair, why is it black? Why is my hair black? I was blond! you, I, we." I rambled out as it hit me that we looked nearly identical. 'Why were we identical, we look, no, looked nothing alike' I thought as I tried to figure out what was happening.

Lucia remained completely silent, staring at our identical reflections with a shocking amount of calmness. "Lucia! What is happening! Your hair is! no, no! was! No, it should be red! This has to be a trick. I'm hallucinating. Right! How-""Lola look! We are the same. We look like little eight or nine year old kids again! And we look so similar!" Lucia suddenly cut me off as she stammered excitedly in a wobbly voice.

"Lola, I don't think we're Lola and Lucia Michelles anymore," she said "we're simple Lola and Lucia now. We're kids again, and possibly even twins." "Y'know, I always wanted a twin." I said as I went back to staring at our reflections.

We were silent for a moment before I spoke again "I'm the older twin." Lucia looked at me with slightly furrowed brows before her lips twitched and she threw her head back in quiet laughter. Honestly it was incredibly exciting, and absolutely terrifying, to think about where we were, and what may lay ahead in this new reality.

A considerable amount of time passed before we had awakened from our stupor and the sun began to set. So we ate our fill of berries and laid down in the golden-green meadow to sleep.

The next day we practiced floating on the pond and found out the most shallow part faced the sun set and was only chest deep. After a bit of splashing, we continued to pick the purplish black berries. "Lola, did you notice how sweet and juicy these berries are?" Lucia asked as she popped one in her mouth. "Now that you bring it up, you're right. These berries are better than any I've ever had," I responded nonchalantly.

"Lola I'm tired. Wake me up in a bit," Lucia mumbled through a yawn. "You were fine a moment ago,"I laughed while getting up. "Come on, let's go get some water."

I began walking to the pond when I heard THUD from behind and as I turned I saw my sister had collapsed. I ran over to her and shook her gently "Lucia. Lucia! Wake up! Are you okay? This isn't funny Lu! Get up!" I hugged her tightly and rocked back and forth. My lungs squeezed the breath out of me as she wouldn't wake up. She was all I had left and I couldn't lose her. A choked sob tore from my lips, and despite my best effort to stop them more followed.

"What's going on?" A deep raspy voice laced with concern questioned. I spun around and saw a group of men in uniforms. "Stay back or I'll kill you! Get away!" I hissed, wiping my tears. "Hey it's alright kiddo, we aren't going to hurt you. Can I see the child you're holding?" A man with black hair and a scar across his cheek asked.

"Drop any weapons you have and only you can come." I growled eyeing the several daggers and swords he man had. He did as I requested and dropped a few weapons on the ground before coming over. "Do you know why she collapsed?" he inquired.

"No, she was fine this morning." I answered, while still glaring at the man. "What's your name kid?" He asked "My name is Lola and my sister's name is Lucia. We are about eight years old and twins," I answered. "About eight? Do you not know your ages?"

"I don't remember. All I know is two days ago we woke up by a cliff, we were alone so we wandered until we found this lake and the black berries." I explained bitterly as I gently cradled my sister's head in my lap.

The strange man stood up and walked over to our berry patch and picked a berry. After examining the fruit he questioned "Have you kids been eating these?" "If we haven't we would be starving by now." I replied crossley.

"Lola, who are they?" Layla mumbled. "Lucia! You're alive!" I exclaimed, hugging her. While I held her in my embrace I whispered "We have been found so act like an eight year old." She nodded. "Um. W-who are you guys," Lucia whimpered, pressing close ro me. 'You didn't need to be this corny' I thought but played along glaring and stepping protectively in front of her.

"I'm general Arane and these are my men." The man with back hair said. "We have to take you back to camp and get you examined by a doctor." "Why do we need to see a doctor?" Lucia whimpered.

"The berries you ate are used to make sleeping medications and eating too many could kill you, and even though you appear to be fine it's better safe than sorry." General Arane said. "Well then I suppose we'll accompany you." I said accommodatingly, trying to seem child-like as we walked over to the group of soldiers cautiously.

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