He grabbed my wrist and shouted in my ear. "Don't you ever fucking mention him. Understood?!" My ears fell down. "I.. - I just want to know who Ollie is!" He glared at me. This was the first time he ever heard me speak and it started an argument? All I wanted to know who this.. Other pup was. He took the remote of the table and shocked me. He stared at me for a second, trying to figure out what to do with me and he let go of me, walking of as I cried and whined. He grabbed the musle and put in on my face tightly. He rolled his eyes and tutted when he saw my tears. He grabbed my leash and clipped it to me, dragging me outside. He tied me up to a large ish dog house, shoving me inside it just before he walked of into the house. I glanced around the inside and noticed a picture of master and another pup. I asume it was Ollie.. I look deeply into the picture and noticed Ollie had a baby bump. I ripped it of the wall, bringing it right up to my face, taking I every little detail. I looked on the other wall and saw another photo with master kissing Ollie.. Jealousy flooded me like a river. I thought I was masters only pup. But it turns out he has another pup that he's.. Dating and is probably pregnant with his baby.. I lost all hope then.. I was in love with my master slightly.. I mean I don't know.. I've never been in love before? But I'm pretty sure what I felt for him was it.. After hours of thinking, crying and whining he eventually came out. "Shut up. I can hear you from inside!" I lost more hope.. I though he was gonna let me inside.. I nodded slowly and he sighed, taking the musle of me. I kept opening my mouth, it slightly sore from not opening it. I had red marks in my face where it was on so tight. He sighed again and crawled into the dog house with me inside. He looked at me, tears in his eyes. "I'm sorry pup.. Just.. Ollie was someone dear to me. He passed away by failing to give birth with my baby.." I stared at him and nodded. "You can talk you know.?" I shook my head. He nodded slowly and pulled me to him, cuddling me. "You remind me of him you know.. He was sweet but had a temper and would bite me if I touched him" he chuckled. I felt envy growing large inside of me. I don't want to be his pup just because I remind him of his ex. I want to be his pup because he likes me.. I guess I'm just a replacement. He glanced at me, rubbing his thumb over my cheek. "I'm sorry pup. I just miss him. He's a sensitive subject." I roll my eyes and tut. He looks at me, slightly surprised. He unclipped me and took the pictures out. "I should start calling you Ollie.. Heh..' That was the line. "Im not Ollie! My name is Zak! I don't want to be a fucking replacement for your old ex. I wanted to be your pup because you liked me for me.. Not Ollie.." Shock grew on his face, he attempted to look like he didn't care but it all fell down when tears fall down his cheeks. "I.. I'm sorry pup.. I clearly don't actually love you for you.. Only because you remind me of Ollie.. I just.. I wish he was still here.. I didn't mean to upset you or make you feel jeolous." I rolled my eyes and he just looked at me. He untied the lead and hooked me back up. I was confused until I realized what he was doing. He was taking me back..
FantasyAs a pup Zak always found it hard to be happy, master to master, heart broken over and over again. His only wish was to have a famliy but he struggles and his realationships are full of betrayal. Mlm. I desired to write this for fun- but warning it...