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vinyl playing: beyond the sea - bobby darin

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vinyl playing: beyond the sea - bobby darin


Lynn Loud Jr. trotted around the track, her sneakers rhythmically hitting the rubber surface as she jogged laps during PE class. 

Despite the activity, her mind was elsewhere, thoughts consumed by the enigmatic figure of Gwen Gutierrez, the student council vice president she had encountered three days ago in the gymnasium.

Every time Lynn rounded a corner, she couldn't help but steal glances toward where Gwen was. Gwen seemed to move with a quiet grace, her focus unwavering as she went through her own exercise routine. Lynn couldn't shake the feeling of intrigue that Gwen sparked within her.

Lost in her thoughts, Lynn didn't notice the figure approaching from the opposite direction until it was too late. With a sudden collision, she bumped into someone, nearly stumbling backward. Flustered, Lynn's cheeks flushed with embarrassment as she quickly regained her balance.

"I'm so sorry!" Lynn stammered, her gaze shifting to meet the person she had run into, only to find herself staring directly into Gwen's eyes.

Gwen, who had been jogging along just as Lynn, offered a warm smile in response. Though she couldn't hear Lynn's apology, she quickly read Lynn's lips with practiced ease.

"No worries," Gwen replied, her voice surprisingly clear despite her deafness, catching Lynn off guard.

Lynn blinked in surprise, her mind momentarily frozen as she processed Gwen's unexpected response. It was the first time she had heard Gwen's voice, and it was like music to her ears.

"Uh, thanks," Lynn managed to say, still slightly dazed. ''You can talk?''

''I can read the words you say from your lips,'' Gwen responded and signed gracefully at the same time.

''Wow, that's... brilliant.'' Lynn huffed and admired the shorter girl.

Gwen nodded in acknowledgment before continuing her jog, leaving Lynn standing there, her heart racing with a mixture of astonishment and delight. 

As Lynn watched Gwen disappear around the bend of the track, she couldn't help but feel a newfound sense of connection and intrigue toward the enigmatic girl who had just spoken to her despite the barrier of deafness.

With a renewed sense of determination, Lynn resumed her laps, her thoughts now consumed not only by Gwen's graceful presence but also by the curiosity of getting to know her better, one surprising interaction at a time.


Lynn Loud Jr. tapped her fingers impatiently on her phone screen, waiting for Gwen Gutierrez to respond to her message. It had taken quite the convincing to get Diana, Lynn's friend and a mutual acquaintance of Gwen's, to share Gwen's Instagram handle. 

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