Part 2

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Slowly Tae started to open his eyes to find himself in his bed..he looked around and saw his mom sitting on the chair probably sleeping...he tried to get up but hissed in pain causing Mrs Kim to wake up

Mrs Kim" baby u awake.. what are u doing
Tae" j-Just trying to sit down
Mrs Kim" u should've woke me up
Tae" m-mom why are u sleeping here
Mrs Kim" bear u fainted we called a doctor to check you..u have fever
Tae" i h-have to t-take
Mrs Kim" no dear u don't have to...oh it's already morning...I will make u breakfast-stands up-
Tae" w-where is appa
Mrs Kim" probably don't move I will come back in a minute

As she said that she went out to make breakfast for her 15 minutes past and he began to get bored he was about to get up but a door knock interrupted..he thought it was his mom so he said the person to come in..when he said that the person entered but it wasn't Mrs Kim but V instead

V" bear..
Tae" w-what are u doing here..g-get out please
V" bear I m sorry I really didn't mea-

Who gave u permission to enter this room huh

They both turned around to see angry Mrs Kim standing there while holding tray of food

V" m-mom
Mrs Kim" answer me!
V" no one
Mrs Kim" then get out..I don't want u to scare my bear
V" m-mom please..I r-really didn't mean it p-please
Mom" oh then what did u mean..can I at least get the reason why u beat him like this
V" h-he...h-he has a boyfriend
Mom" oh really..did he do a crime
V" n-no
V" I don't want him to date anyone...they will just break his heart!!
Mom" dare to raise ur voice on me young man!

At the same time mr Kim entered the room

Mr Kim" why are u guys shouting in the morning
Mrs Kim" come and see ur son..he said he won't allow his brother to date anyone
Mr Kim" v we talked about this
V" no dad we didn't..we talked about that I have to fix my mistake but not this..
Mr Kim" honey..let's get out..let the boys be alone for sometime
Mrs Kim" what the hell are u saying
Mr Kim" honey u trust me's not like they will eat each other..come
Mrs Kim" f-fine
Tae" m-mama don't g-go
Mom" baby i will leave u two alone to talk it out okey..don't worry..everything is fine ..

Mrs Kim said and both went out leaving the twins alone ..v sat done near Tae..silence filled the place until v decided to break it..

V" b-bear..I m really sorry..believe me I didn't mean to hurt u like's just my anger room the best of me..
I promise I will not repeat this again
Tae" p-promise
V" I promise..i won't lay my hand on u again...if it was not necessary..
Tae" so u will -pouts-
V" brat of course u will still get punishment if u be bad boy
Tae" bad hyung
V" who is bad huh
Tae" u and I still didn't forgive u
V" fine..what do u want
Tae" first..burn the belt u wearing..second buy me strawberry milk and cake third take me shopping to Gucci and u will pay
V" one accepted two accepted three u brat u were shopping with mom last week and bough the whole mall
Tae" it's okey if u don't want my forgiveness
V" fine fine..brat
Tae" yeah -giggles- a-ah -hisses in pain-
V" don't move too much it will hurt u..i m sorry I should've been this harsh
Tae" I-it's f-fine

At the same time mr and Mrs Kim entered the room

Mr Kim" my good boys made up I see
Tae" Yesh -boxy smile-
Mrs Kim" Tae baby u want me to punish v for you

As Mrs Kim said that v knew she was still mad because she never call his name with serious voice

Tae" no no mama don't punish hyungie...or Tae Tae be sad

Mr & mrs kim smiled fondly at Tae because they knew how much he loves v and v on other hand hugged Tae not soo tightly not to hurt him

V" I love you my baby..soo much
Tae" me too hyungie
Mrs Kim" Aish how u want me to be angry at u like this being all cute
V" I m sorry eumma
Mrs Kim" it's okey baby but make sure not to do it again ...
Mr Kim" now I would like to talk about my bear boyfriend -smirks-
Tae" Yaa appa-shy-
Mrs Kim" yeah bear tell us about him
V" nothing about him they are not official boyfriends and never will!!
Mrs Kim" v..why don't u want Tae to date
V" because all boys are the same the just wanna and play with his heart and then leave him...and I want my brother to myself only one can take him
Mr Kim" tiger no one will take Tae away from u..and who told u Tae boyfriend is a play boy
V" because he is
Mrs Kim" u shut up bear tell me how does he look like
Tae" uhmm..tall handsome he has bunny face and teeth ..he is cute..soo cute
Mrs Kim" oh someone is deep in love with him ..tell me more
Tae" he loves banana milk a lot he gets angry fast he has a black bike rider his favourite colour is purple and black he eyes are brown he is 190 tall his favourite food is Japcha..
Mr Kim" woo woo woo..calm down bear..what's left is to tell us what's his underwear colour
Tae" oh it's gray

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