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𝗺𝗮𝘁𝘁 𝗮𝘄𝗼𝗸𝗲 𝗳𝗿𝗼𝗺 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘀𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗱𝘀 inside of his mind with a deep inhale and an extensive exhale — hyper-fixiating on the empty room. "where'd she go?" Matt questioned himself before he began registering the sounds inside of what he thought was his mind — yet being the sounds of someone else — but rather realizing the unfamiliar chatter was coming from outside of his room. with the dark, oil painted sky peaking through the blinds of his window — he assumed it was quite late rather early. the last thing Matt could remember before his eyes closed was resting his head upon y / n's lap as her hands ran through his thick strands of hair. Matt was perched against his head board following a heavy sigh as subconiously reached for his phone as it illuminated the dark room, his eyes twitched as they adjusted to the light — reading the time.

𝟏𝟐 : 𝟏𝟑  𝐀 𝐌

he quickly pulled away from the pool of thoughts as he walked down the hall, the sounds of light chatter that appeared louder with every step he took. he ran his fingers through his hair as he approached the end of the hall.

"I cant begin to tell you how happy jimmy and I were when he said you were coming back to Boston with the boys — y'know, Matt wasn't the only one who missed you!" Matts mother exclaimed brightly — gleaming toward the girl across from her.

a light, yet familiar chuckle followed the female voice — "what the hell is mom doing up?" Matt thought to himself as the voice began to become familiar with the accent.

"well, I missed you guys even more and I'm more than happy to be back, it's been far too long and — honestly... I'm surprised he even told you we broke up in the first place." Matts brows knitted together, halting just before he would walk from his current position, staying still. "oh! believe me! He couldn't keep it from us even if he wanted to, you have no idea how miserable that boy is without you. after the incident, Matthew would lie awake and drive himself crazy. of course! — I did my absolute best to cheer him up, but even he knew I was well aware he wasn't the same without you." Matt slowly peered his head around the corner — carefully as possible, afraid of catching attention of the two girls — doing his best not to blow his cover.

"trust me when I say I was no where near the same without your son."

the slow banter between the two was just enough for Matt to regain a small piece that warmed his heart. Matt found himself eager to hear more — leaning against the wall and folding his hands against his chest only moments before Matts mother spoke again, "no — I believe it. You two are made for each other. Y'know, I remember it like it was yesterday. he was sitting on the exact same bar-stool as you, head in his hands — crying. As a parent, which one day — you and Matt will understand."

Matt couldn't fight past the smile that was forming on his face as his mother mentioned the two of them being parents and y / n's eyes brighten just above her grin. he watched as her concerned disposition melt into an amused one. the slight mention of children prompted a sudden glow on her features. Matt and y / n had always joked about having children, but never found themselves engaging in the topic as if it mattered. they were still young and had priorities — yet, they couldn't lie to themselves that the idea of children didn't make them smile.

"when your child cries, you'll feel as if you have done something wrong, because... you can't protect your children from everything — y / n, he was shattered, but it was a lesson learned."

Matt's brows furrowed as he waited for his mother to continue. "you think Matt would want children with me?" y / n questioned Matt's mother as matts point of vision dragged toward her direction — almost in unison with her voice.

confused, Matt couldn't fathom why the girl he loved would assume otherwise — "why would she even question it?" Matt said to himself mindlessly, as he watched her expression falter from a smile to embarrassing demeanor. he adored the way she could easily blush. y / n shifted in her seat before she parted her lips to speak again right before Matts mother cut her off abruptly, stating, "y / n, you're the only girl that could break that boys heart and yet, put it back together. the only time I ever see my boy happy — is when he is with you. he knows that now — Matt won't make the same mistake of letting you go. he adores you! of course he would want children with you and I would love a grand-baby." Matts mother empahzied the last sentence. admittedly, Matts heart skipped a beat. not only to the sounds of 'grand-baby' coming from his mothers mouth, but it was with y /n of all people — someone he was certain he'd spend the rest of his life with. y / n let a light chuckle emit past her lips, "he better not — my heart can't handle it twice. i'd love to have children, especially with Matt... I mean he'd be an amazing father." Matt's mother walked toward y / n — wrapping her arms around her. "y/ n, you're the closest I have to a daughter, and I couldn't imagine my Matty with anyone besides you let alone, someone else mothering his child now... get some sleep we have a long drive ahead of us!" Matts head suddenly snapped upward — coming back to his current state as his eyes met with the sight of his mother and y / n hugging — he began rushing back to his room before he would get caught.

after saying goodnight to Matt's mother, y / n returned to Matt's room. before she approached the door, the dim light crept through the cracks of the door. her expression faltered as she registered sounds coming from the tv on the other side of the door — opening it only to be met with Matt. "I thought you were asleep."

Matt's head fell in between her collar and jaw — resting arms upon her waist. "I overheard you talking to my mom." y / n fingers ran through Matt's hair as he spoke. she traced her fingers along the sides of his jaw — wrapping her hands around his neck. "creep strikes again" she spoke before Matt's laugh was muffled by his head buried in the crook of her neck. she laid her head against his chest as her arms fell from his neck down to his waist"I learned my lesson, huh?" Matt pulled away from her neck, resting his forehead on hers. "better have." she says before they connected their lips only for y / n to quickly to pull back to say, "well, I dont know if you're aware or if you overheardyour mother wants a grandchild." Matt smiled brightly to the girl in front of him,

"One day, baby."

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