~He's Nice~

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Freddy POV

I knocked on Foxy's door and after some time I saw him open it. He looks over at me.

"Ye need something?"

"Well... I was told you were looking for me. Is something wrong?" Foxy looked away a bit.

"Aye just wanted to talk to ye that's all" he looks back at me. He wants to talk to me? Heh that's nice. I just smiled.

"Well we can talk ig you want. We can go to my room or we can chat in your room"

"My room?" I pointed behind him. "No no... This isn't my room... I'm just using it til the ship gets fixed that's all... But we can talk in here" he opens the door fully so I walk in. I haven't really seen the other rooms in the castle to be honest. I mostly just stay in my room so it's a bit weird in being in a room that's smaller then mine... Huh. I looked over at Foxy to see him now sitting on the bed so I walked over to him and say down besides him.

"So... What you wanna chat about Foxy?"

"Um... Aye don't really know to be honest... Guess I just didn't want to be alone or something" Foxy said. I noticed that he was fiddling with one of his rings.

"Well... How about we go check up on your ship? We can go do that" Foxy looks over.

"Ye sure? Don't ye have some... Prince duties to do?"

"Heh no not really... Foxy I may be a prince but my father does most of the work. Sure Goldie and I do some work but it's really not much. Now come on!" I got up and also helped Foxy up. "Let's go check up on your ship ok?"

"Alright..." I walked out with Foxy. Gosh... Foxy is so adorable! I looked at Foxy to see him just behind me so I smiled and walked out of the castle. Normally my father is telling me to take a guard or some shit. But I can defend myself. I know how to fight.

Foxy POV

I was just following Freddy we were in town and even though he's a prince... No one seems to be out of control that he's walking around the town... Does he do this a lot? That's interesting to say the least. A prince who can blend into 'peasant' life... Cool.

"So... Where is your ship Foxy?"

"O-oh! It's um... This way follow me" I walked in front of Freddy and made my way to the shop. I don't think much as gotten fix on it to be honest... It's only been about 2 days and they did say it may take 4-6 weeks... Ugh. "So... Do ye normally walk around town Freddy?" Freddy looks over at me.

"Yea I do at times... Besides when I'm walking around I can learn on what things need to be fixed... As a prince I have a little bit of power on what happens here in the town." I would think that to be honest. "If it's something small I fix it... But if it's something big like... Building a new building I have to ask my father well... Depending how big the building is"

"Wow... So um... What stuff have ye fix?"

"Well... Most of the stuff I was able to fix on my own was... Just crops mostly. You know using my own money to buy crops that people want to try and grow here... Even if they don't grow hey at least we tried" Freddy... Is a very nice prince. Whoever he marrys is sure gonna have a lucky one with them.

End of chapter

Prince and Pirate ෆFrexyෆ ʚFreddy x Foxyɞ (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now