Seeing Stars

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Leonardo was feeling rather proud of himself.

He and Lotus Blossom had gone on a few dates for the past month. Their relationship was going so smoothly and was getting to the point it felt natural rather than awkward and new.

Tonight, he had taken her into the quiet countryside. Lotus confessed she was excited to see the stars now that they were out of the city, and Leonardo found himself in pure ecstasy at the sight of her enthusiasm. So with a small blanket and a few snacks, the couple set up a picnic beneath the fading twilight.

So yes, he was feeling proud of himself.

Codeword: was.

Unfortunately, his confidence was fading, and all because he couldn't stop thinking about a certain little confession he'd been wanting to say for ... well, for the past few years, if he was being honest. And he still hadn't said it even after they started dating.

Why was it such a big deal anyway? Other couples love to say it to each other in the most casual ways. Little reminders of how much they care.

According to Michelangelo, he and Kala said it before they started dating.

Leonardo even said it to his own brothers on occasion with no big fuss. And even to April, for goodness' sake!

So why was he sweating so much over saying it to his own girlfriend?

Said girlfriend seemed to pick up on his nervousness, her head slightly turning toward him. Her expression was unreadable.

He swallowed.

Okay, Leonardo, just be casual about it. It's no biggie or anything. She'll probably just say it back sweetly, you'll smile about it, and the two of you can go back to talking.

He gripped the blanket beneath him.

... Or maybe she's not ready for that kind of affection yet. She already gets nervous when she's complimented. She doesn't even have any family members who could say it to her.

Oh shell, what if she cries?

Lotus turned her body to him completely.

"You've been kind of quiet," she said. "Are you feeling okay?"

Leonardo now felt the painful urge to hide in his shell.

Just say it, he was telling himself. Let it out now, and then you'll figure it out from there.

"Um ..." he started pitifully. He must've looked so stiff because Lotus was curving her eyebrows in a certain way that screamed concern. "I—I'm fine, uh, but I ..."

He released a quiet, nervous laugh.

Oh, for goodness' sake, Leonardo, he thought. Just spit it out!

"I—I love you," he blurted.

Lotus' eyebrows raised slightly, and Leonardo felt a jab of embarrassment.

Please don't be weirded out.

His nervousness seemed to pause when he noticed how red her face was getting. And was that quickly-paced thumping sound his heart or hers?

"... Oh," she said.

Leonardo blinked. Well, that wasn't the response he expected.

Lotus' different versions of flustered always caught him off guard, but this was a new one.

He supposed it was too much to hope she'd say it back though.

"Um ... sorry," he mumbled, looking away.

She blinked a few times, her eyes trying to focus. She brushed her hair behind her ear. "... Can you say it again?"

... Oh. He looked back at her in surprise. There was a hint of eagerness in her face that stirred something in him.

"I ... love you."

His favorite companion gave him a small smile. "Again?"

Leonardo smiled back. "I love you."

Lotus pulled her knees to her chest. "... I think that might take some getting used to," she stated.

He blinked at her words. Then, picking up on her flirting, he replied, "Oh, well ... Maybe I'll have to say it often to speed up the process."

Now, Lotus was grinning. She leaned toward him. "You better hurry up then," she teased before kissing him.

Leonardo eased up a bit and gently grasped the back of her head, tangling his fingers with her hair and pulling her closer. He stopped their kiss for a quick "I love you" before kissing her again. Then, another "I love you" and a kiss. And another. He repeated this process a few more times before he noticed Lotus giggling and slowly pushing him away.

"We'll never see the stars if we keep doing this," she pointed out.

"I don't know, Lotus," Leonardo said. "I think I already see stars just from being with you."

Lotus shook her head and rolled her eyes. Leonardo grinned.

As the night grew darker and the stars made their appearance, the lovers were silenced by the magnificence of the sky above them. There were more stars than Leonardo had ever seen, and the horizon almost seemed to be expanding the more he marveled.

He hardly registered the hand reaching up his carapace before resting on his shoulder. Lotus scooted closer to him and leaned in.

"I love you too, Leonardo," she whispered.

Leonardo blushed and met her eyes. She was smiling warmly, squeezing his shoulder ever so lightly. He smiled back. He grabbed her chin and briefly pressed his nose to hers, before kissing her lips briskly.

The couple cuddled into each other and returned their attention to the sky.

Meanwhile, Leonardo couldn't stop grinning.

Holy shell, she loves me back!

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