Day Two

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"-and that's when I finally got my powers," Invincible said, leaning back in his chair. Hughie took a long sip of his drink, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Wait, hold on a second. You threw a trash bag into space?" He gave an inquisitive look. Mark flushed red with embarrassment.

"It was an accident. I had no idea I could even do that." His voice cracked a little as he tried desperately to defend himself.

Atom Eve smirked a little. "You're saying that you wouldn't throw a trash bag into space on purpose?"

"No, I never said that. I just said I didn't know I could."

They all started laughing. It felt good to smile again. Despite being trapped in a strange land and being forced to fight to the death, this wasn't all bad. It was nice having friends to chat with.

"Okay, okay," Hughie said as soon as he stopped laughing. "So, I actually have a funny story. Not too long ago, a couple friends and I came across this stuff called Compound V24. It basically gave us superpowers, but only for a little bit," he explained.

"Wait, hold on. You guys have some kind of superpower serum in your world?" Invincible interjected, suddenly curious.

Hughie nodded. "Yeah, but it hurt like a motherf-"

"-UCKER! EVERYONE GET DOWN!" Butcher yelled as he burst through the front door. They fell to the ground just in time to see a laser beam shoot over their heads. Invincible looked up and immediately went pale.

"Thought you could lock me away that easy? THINK AGAIN!" Homelander grabbed Atom Eve by the throat and punched a hole straight through her face.

"NO!" Mark got up only to get knocked back down by a backhand from hell.

"Don't think I forgot about you," Homelander snarled as he stomped on Invincible's chest. "Everyone thinks they have a shot at replacing me. First Starlight, then Soldier Boy, and now some yellow and blue spandex-wearing piece of sh-"

Before he had a chance to continue, Hughie grabbed a chair and broke it over Homelander's head. The Supe turned towards him for a split second. Without wasting a second, he grabbed Hughie and flew up through the Burger Mart's ceiling.

"HUGHIE!" Butcher cried out, but it was no use.

The two soared high up into the air together. Hughie was seeing red... literally. Blood filled his vision as the result of being forcibly shoved through a ceiling was starting to catch up with him.

One punch was all it took to reduce him to a red smear in the sky. Homelander turned his attention back towards the Burger Mart. It was time to finally end this.

Without any warning, he was hit in the jaw by something that felt like a freight train. He went soaring through the air. Before he could catch himself, that same something hit him again, this time in the gut. Homelander wheezed as the breath was knocked out of his lungs. He raised his head, hoping to catch a glimpse of the assailant. Instead, all he saw was Omni-Man's fist coming straight for him.

With a sickening CRUNCH, his nose got flattened into a pancake. Thick red liquid spurted out of his destroyed nostrils and coated the hero's fist.

Just when he thought he'd finally met his match, Homelander suddenly stopped. No, he was grabbed. Omni-Man pulled him in close, gripping the collar of his suit tightly.

"Listen here and listen close because I'm only going to say this once," he spoke in a deadly calm voice. "If you so much as look at my son again, I'm going to rip out your spine and use it as a jump rope. Do I make myself clear?"

(S2, EP:1) Diabolically InvincibleWhere stories live. Discover now