★Gaurdian Demon★

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You wake up, enthralled in Hisoka's arms. You smile and nudge his chest to wake him up, "Thanks again for caring for me." You say in a soft, angelic voice is "No problem deary. You looked so cold and tired I had to help you." You smile and lay your weary head on his chest, "Let me get you some breakfast. You like waffles?" You nod. He smiles, "Adorable." You sit up on the couch you've been sleeping on as Hisoka turns the TV on before going to his kitchen to make breakfast. You watch the news:

Breaking news:
New person kidnapped in the mist of the rain storm last night. *your full name* was seen last walking down a dark street.

You freeze. Missing? Hisoka is just taking care of me! You wonder why the news is saying that. It continues:

Suspect: Hisoka. Known pedophile clown.

You pause. You're only 17, "Hey Hisoka... How old are you?" He looks over at you, "35." He looks at the tv, "Ah shit. They think I kidnapped a minor?" You nod, "You're a pedo...?" He looks down, "I'm more attracted to people younger than me which makes me seem like that. I don't go after 5 years olds! 16, 17 and 18 year olds mainly." You smile thinking to yourself: Maybe he thinks I'm attractive, "I'm 17." You hold his hand, realizing how handsome he actually is, "Quite the looker for your age I just say." You blush. Hisoka hands you a plate of waffles before a knock on the door can be heard, "I'll get it..." Hisoka walks to the front door to see police men and women outside. He opens the door, "Can I help you?" The police state him down, "Where is *Your name*?! We know you have him!" Hisoka sighs, "he's in the living room. He looked so cold last night I had to help him-" the police barge in and see you, wrapped in a blanket, not hurt whatsoever, "Oh.... That's - That's not what was expected-" Hisoka chuckled, "I'm not that bad of a guy, am I?” the police leave, laughing at how stupid they were. Hisoka sits beside you and steals a waffle from your plate, eating it. You laugh, "Hey that was mine." Hisoka gently punches you in a playful manner, "I made it plus it's my food." You lay your head on his shoulder and smile up at the older male beside you. You trace his star tattoo on his cheek gently with your finger, "How bad did these hurt?" You ask, "Not bad really." You gently play with his hair and watch as the news get the update about you:

New breaking news:

*Your name* has been found with Hisoka, untouched and in amazing health. Maybe this clown can be a very good guy if we gave him a chance and stopped making him a scape goat.

You both laugh as the news ends and commercial starts up. You put the empty plate down, feeling Hisoka's arms around you. Before you can ask, Hisoka starts tickling you. You begin laughing and wheezing by habit, "Haha! S stop I'm ticklish!!!!" You keep laughing as he tickles you more and more, "Not gonna happen, cotton candy." You blush at the new nickname. He eventually stops tickling you so you can catch your breath, "Heh.." you sit on Hisoka's lap and lay your weary head down on his shoulder again, "Comfy there, doll?" He smiles, "Yeah, I am comfy." You laugh softly as Hisoka's arms wrap around your waist. You blush slightly as you rub his chest. He smiles down at you, "Are you trying to get something, dear?" You nod, "To be yours."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2023 ⏰

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