The Little Things You Do

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Pidge and Keith were doing their annual house cleaning, a tradition they started five years ago when moving into their place. "Is Sammy down for his nap?" Keith asked his wife as he turned off the vacuum he had been using. "Yep, he's a fighter when it comes to taking naps though but he went down after about 15 minutes. Not really sure where he gets it from since mom said I was an easy kid." said Pidge as she took the vacuum from Keith and put it back in the closet. "I can ask mom about what I was like as an infant, since we don't remember those things at that age. But sometimes kids are like that at random sometimes." said Keith as he started to pick up Sammy's toys that somehow got scattered across the living room. "That's true, and yea you could ask her if you wanted to. How did Sammy manage to make a mess of our massive living room?" Keith asked, putting the last baby toy into the bin that held all of their child's toys.

"Oh that was me actually. He wanted a specific toy and I threw the ones he didn't want left and right. He was throwing a fit until he got the black lion plushie Shiro had gotten for Christmas last year." said Pidge, as she made her way over to her husband. "Well that's understandable, at least we know which toy he likes at the moment." said Keith pulling his wife into his lap. "Yea, you know you're literally the best husband ever right?" said Pidge as she kissed his temple.

"Oh Really?" said Keith as he looked at her chocolate brown eyes. "Yes really Keith. You're not afraid to banter with me, and disagree with me at the dumbest things. But those are good things, and I love you for that." said Pidge as she placed her hands on both sides of his cheeks and kissed him. Keith kissed back and let a relaxed sigh escape.

"Thank you Katie, I really appreciate you and the little things you do. You take care of our son all day every day and hardly complain. You clean up after me when I don't ask you to. You're at Sammy's beck and call when he needs you in the middle of the night." said Keith planting a kiss on her cheek. "Yea, and your welcome, my love. What other part of the house should we tackle with the hour we have left?" Pidge asked, giving him a quick squeeze. "How about the gaming area of the basement?" Keith suggested as he placed his hand on his chin. "Yea, there's something in that room that smells worse than Shiro's cologne that went viral last year. Like why would you name a cologne set "Patience yield's focus" when it literally smells like a bathroom in a run down gas station?" said Pidge as she laughed at how bad she had roasted the former leader of voltron.

"Alright well let's get to it, Sammy wont sleep past..." Pidge paused for a moment, and checked her watch. "Five o'clock." said Pidge following her best friend downstairs to do the job at hand.

"How about after we tackle this we go get some ice cream from Kaltenecker's." Keith suggested as he sifted through a few folders from when he was in college. "That sounds so good right now though babe. Sammy hasn't tried ice cream yet but it's better to stick with something simple. Like chocolate, vanilla, or strawberry just to play it safe." said Pidge as she threw some old notes into a nearby trash can.

"They better have cookie dough or I am gonna throw hands, maybe even get Cosmo or MFE's involved." said Keith as he started sanitizing the countertop that his keyboard and monitor were sitting on.

"Keith, the MFE"s are used for space missions and at the Garrison. They are not meant to be used to barge into a dairy bar demanding for a certain ice cream flavor to be there." said Pidge as she finished dusting off the mini version of Rover she had built in remembrance of her robot friend.

"Okay, Honey, you have a point, and I was being a little bit over dramatic with getting the Garrison involved." said Keith as he put his computer mouse back on top of the pink floyd mouse pad Lance had gotten him for Christmas last year. "I hope they have peanut butter ice cream though. I just hope that Sammy isn't allergic to peanuts since that's what I ate a lot during pregnancy." said Pidge as she got lost in thought about the arrival of their first son, Samuel Malachi Kogane only six months ago.



"Hey love." Keith said gently as he walked over, placed both his hands on her shoulders, and looked at her. Pidge zone back out of the thoughts and looked up at her husband. "My bad, I was just thinking about Sammy. He is our miracle baby after all. Since I had a miscarriage about two years ago with our first baby." said Pidge as a tear rolled down her face.

"I know, and Haliegh Anne was our little girl for as long as she was supposed to be,Katie. You carried her for 30 incredible weeks, but you did your best. Heck, within six months Haliegh sent us a happy, smart, and healthy baby boy." said Keith as he hugged his wife and planted a kiss on her forehead.

"Your right, and Sammy is our blessing. He's such a happy baby and could have the same personality as Haliegh would have had. But I'm happy with the little things we do have." said Pidge as she hugged him back. As he heard his wife's breathing return to normal he heard Sammy's coo's from a nearby baby monitor. They made a good habit of leaving one monitor in the basement since they would normally play video games during Sammy's nap time.

"Looks like our little tike is awake and right on time too." said Keith as he chuckled and looked at his watch that ironically said the accurate time as to when their kid would wake up from the city of dreams. "Haha, it looks like it's time to go to Kaltinecker's now." said Pidge as they both headed upstairs to Sammy's room.

Sammy was happily bouncing up and down with both of his hands holding onto bar when his parents came in. "Who's a happy boy?!!You are!" said Pidge, smiling at the six month old watching him jump out of pure joy. She picked him up and held him at her hip. "Doesn't Mommy look pretty today Sammy? I think she looks beyond pretty, more like beyond beautiful." said Keith as he placed a kiss on her cheek and side hugged her, letting his hand rest on her hip. "Awwwhhh you're really sweet Keith." said Pidge as she planted a kiss on Sammy's forehead.

"But on a serious note, Should he try chocolate or vanilla first?" said Keith as he watched his wife walk over to the diaper station to change Sammy's diaper. "Vanilla would be a good choice unless for some reason you want him to try chocolate instead." said Pidge as she put a fresh diaper on her son. "Yea it's safer with having him try vanilla, I feel like chocolate will make him want more of it." said Keith as he watched his wife finish dressing their son.

"True point you got there. Do you think we'll see Lance and Allura there?" asked Pidge as she headed to the main level of their house. "I'm not sure if we will or not but we should wait to go get ice cream till after dinner." Keith suggested as he made a goofy face to make his son giggle. "Good idea, if you said before dinner I was about to hide the car keys because this little thing we made needs his nutrients before we give him sugar that'll have him bouncing off the walls." said Pidge as she sat Sammy in his highchair.

"I had a feeling you would do that, but don't worry, you do too many little things for me to ever try to cross you." Keith said as he grabbed a can of baby food from the cupboard and began to feed him as Pidge heated up leftover tacos from the night before. They had gotten into the routine of switching tasks every other day when it came to taking care of Sammy.

The tasks she did today would be her husband's responsibility the next day and the same would go for her. They liked the habit they had gotten into. After all they were in this together and wouldn't have it any other way. It was just the little things they did that made the life they lived together one of the best ones ever.  

If you have any suggestions or story ideas comment below! I love hearing from you guys! :D 

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