♡ Sick!Narrator x gn!reader ♡

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Y/N speaking = "this"
Y/N thinking = '𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴'
Narrator speaking = "this"
Narrator thinking = 'this'

Enjoy! :D

You and the Narrator both worked in his...I'll call it a camera room, where you watched Stanley wander his way through random parts of the map. Sure, it was boring at times but Stanley was fortunately granted a whiteboard and pen to communicate when he got lonely.

Now, since the Narrator was a mostly omnipotent being (kind of), that means he was able to avoid any physical disadvantages. Though he still had the ability to be tired and overwhelmed.

Anyway, today was a day like any other. You got up, greeted the Narrator, went through your morning routine and talked to Stanley with your head rested on the Narrator's shoulder. Though as you lay your head down, you noticed his breathing sounded quite raspy.

"Narry, are you feeling okay? Your breathing doesn't sound...normal" You asked, slight concern tied into your words.
"Of course I'm ok Y/N! Why wouldn't I be?" He replied, gosh even his voice sounded hoarse. Reluctantly, you pressed down on the 'mic' button, your voice ringing throughout Stanley's office building.

"Hey Stanley?" You called, "Me and Narry are gonna take a quick break up here, I'll let you be outside in the meantime, ok?"
Needless to say Stanley was confused, but he swiftly wrote an 'ok' on his whiteboard and headed towards the freedom ending.

Carefully, you placed a hand on the Narrator's forehead, 'Yeesh, he's burning, I better get some medicine.' And so you wasted no time in grabbing some, reading the label as you were speeding back to him. 'The official Stanley Parable liquid medicine...oh lord, he really is obsessed, isn't he?'
Deciding not to dwell on it, you spotted a clean teaspoon on the desk and poured the orange-flavoured medicine onto it.

"Ok Narry, can you take this medicine please?" Holding the spoon near his lips. He blushed a little, finding the entire situation a bit childish. But he took the medicine nonetheless. (Yes I know liquid medicine is for kids but he's practically a manchild so it doesn't count 😌)

"Alright now I believe you have to get a lot of rest if I remember correctly. So go make yourself comfy on the sofa and I'll prepare some soup ok?" You instructed, making your way to the kitchen before he could object. Whilst chopping up some tomatoes, you found yourself humming to your favourite tune, F/S. Meanwhile, Narrator was busy struggling to find the perfect way to lie down on the sofa. Alas, he found it, settling under a fluffy blanket with a panda design on it. He heard you humming, it calmed his nerves and reminded him of how lucky he was to have you.

Soon enough, you returned, hot soup in your gloved hands. Placing it on the coffee table, you sat down by his legs and relaxed a bit. "How are you feeling now, Narry?"
"A little better, thank you Y/N" He said, a warm smile plastered on his lips. You sighed contentedly at his response, leaning down to place a small kiss on his cheek. The Narrator blushed, it didn't take much to fluster him, meaning you could tease him as much as you liked with no consequences but a malfunctioning boyfriend. It's a win if you ask me.

"The soup should have cooled down by now, eat up" You said, handing him the spoon this time. He quietly obliged and ate some, his eyes sparking with joy as he tasted it. "Wow, that's really good soup! My compliments to the chef."

You chuckled fondly at his enthusiasm, waiting patiently while he finished eating. Once he was done, you took the empty dish and the spoon back to the kitchen where you dumped it in the sink for later. Once again you returned to the Narrator's side, feeling his forehead. To your relief, it wasn't so hot anymore and you placed another small kiss there. "Get some rest, you need it"

"But I'm not tired~" he whined, pouting like a child. In all honesty, you found this side of him utterly adorable.

"C'mon, go to sleep.." Just then, you had a lightbulb moment, "...or you might get paid a visit from the tickle monster~"
The Narrator knew exactly what you meant, quickly ducking under the blanket to hide his newly crimson cheeks. Unfortunately for him, the blanket wasn't big enough to cover him entirely, so by pulling it above his head, his socked feet were now exposed to you. Taking full advantage of this, you dragged one (1) finger up his left foot gently, earning a muffled yelp from your boyfriend. He kicked his legs a bit in an attempt to push you away, but you easily grabbed both of them and pinned them onto your lap. A horrified and blushy face arose from the other side, shaking his head frantically. You simply smirked and ran your fingers all along both his feet, causing an endless stream of giggles and snickers from the Narrator.

"Y/N! Stahahahap ihihihit, plehehahase!! Ihihi can't tahahake it hahahaha, mehehercyhy!" He cried, trying and facing to break free from your grasp. Sadly, the narrator isn't very strong either and he could do nothing to prevent your torturous ways.
"Well I'm not sure I should let you go Narry, you're just so cute when you're helplessly giggling~" You teased mercilessly, his cheeks burned up even more at your comment.

"Nohohoho tehasihihing, yohohu knohow thihihis alrehehahady! Hohohow doho ihihi gehehet yohohu toho stohohop?!"

"Hmmm, well I might just stop if you promise you'll get some rest~" You replied, grinning evilly and resuming your little tickle attack.
"Ohokahahay okahahay Ihi prohohohomihise, juhuhust stahahap plehehahase!!" The narrator quickly responded, not sure if he could handle it any longer.
Staying true to your word, you let him go, whispering goodnight and staying at your desk watching Stanley for the rest of the day.

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓮𝓷𝓭

Wow, 1000 words exactly. Not including this of course, but I hope you enjoyed this oneshot, let me know if you want more and have a lovely day/night <3

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