Introduction- Into the Mekakushi Dan Part 1

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    A young girl was forced against the brick wall of the school, the bullies grinning.

    "Looks like your brother isn't here to save you." They laughed, "though he wouldn't be able to do much anyway." they scoffed. She trembled against the wall, tears threatening to spill. She slowly looked up to stare and them, and the glared back. "Oh, look, the monster has something to say." they joked, laughing amongst themselves. Her gray eyes turned red and each one of them disappeared. Hey eyes widened and the tears flowed down her cheeks as she buried her face in her knees.

~Seto's PoV~

    'Help me... I'm a monster...' I would usually push all 'heard' thoughts away, but this one caught my attention, just like Marry's did. I searched for her, until I saw a girl about my age, hiding against the wall of the school. I jogged over to her and her head shot up. I saw her eyes flash from red to gray and back. 'Don't hurt me, please...'    'Help me... I'm a monster...' I would usually push all 'heard' thoughts away, but this one caught my attention, just like Marry's did. I searched for her, until I saw a girl about my age, hiding against the wall of the school. I jogged over to her and her head shot up. I saw her eyes flash from red to gray and back. 'Don't hurt me, please...'

    "I'm not going to hurt you." I whispered, watching her. Her eyes widened and I knew my eyes were red as well. I smiled, "See? I'm not a monster, and neither are you, Chiyo."

    "I made people disappear! Of course I'm a monster!"

~Chiyo's PoV~

    How could he say that?! Of course I'm a monster!... And how does he know my name?!

    "I steal people's thoughts, one of my friends turns people to stone." I went quiet, trembling still. My eyes turned back to gray. Slowly, I stopped shaking, my eyes widening with realization.

    "...S-Seto...?" I whispered and he smiled.

    "There she is. Now," he stood up and held a hand out to me, "let's go introduce you to the Dan."

    "Dan?" I asked, taking his hand as he helped me up.

    "Yeah. Y'know, the Mekakushi Dan. The organization led by Kido." he said.

    "Then let's go!" I said, smiling.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Oct 27, 2015 ⏰

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