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{ Mae's POV }
I arrive at the train station, seeing the statue, and the plaque with the background of war. "Huh. Welcome back to Possum Springs, Mae..." I tell myself. Sure looked better than college.

I look at the singular other person in the building and it's the janitor. After some self-thinking, talking might be the best here. ''Hello.'' I say hello and just wait for a response.

''Hello there.'' He only speaks as he continues mopping the same part of the floor. Hmm. I forgot that this place is weird. ''Well, I just came back from college, where's town?'' The janitor looks down towards me. I guess I'm still short. ''I'll tell ya if you give me a Frizcola.''

He points toward a lone vending machine, sounding a distorted theme song. He flips a coin, in which I lazily catch. "Okay." I reply. I scoot myself over to the machine, place in the coin, and the machine jitters. It plays a corrupt version of the fizcola theme song, and then spur outs the drink.

I pick it up, and my vision flickers back to the janitor. I walk back, he grabs the drink, and he sips it. "It's that a way. You'll have to do some maneuvering to get to town." He says, going back to his job. "Thanks." I say as I walk out.

I look out into the woods as I walk through them, remembering my childhood. My eyes bestowed upon a great childhood memory. The playground. I sighed, standing on the old wood. "So nice..." I mumbled, as I managed to get on top of a branch, and then up a hill.

I slid down said hill, landing on my stomach with an 'oomph'. "You know this is trespassing, right Mae?" I look up to see the very woman you don't wanna see after trespassing. Aunt May.

"Yeah.." Was all I could reply. "Do you need a ride back?" I nod now. "Alright, just get before I change my mind." I scoot into the car, as she turns on the engine and starts driving.

"By the way, someone moved next door to you. And from what I've heard, they come over daily." My heart dropped. Great. Now I have to deal with somebody else? ". . .You alright Mae?" Aunt May asked me, and I snap back. "Yeah, just..." I sigh, taking a minute to process. "That'll be interesting, for sure..."

We arrive, as I yawn and get out the car. "Thanks Aunt May." I sigh in relief. "No problem." She tips her cop hat, and she drives off. "Okay...let's see."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2023 ⏰

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