The Moon Is a Loyal Companion

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Wilbur never would have expected a werewolf's den to be so cozy.

For the hunter's entire life, he had been taught one simple thing - werewolves were real, and they were vicious and cruel. Their dens were places that reeked for death and despair. Should he ever find himself face-to-face with a werewolf, he had better pray to all the gods that he'd be spared their savage wrath. Of course, back then, when he had questioned exactly how much experience these "werewolf hunters" had, they'd always let him know that they had gathered all their information for folktales and nursery rhymes. Wilbur had always chalked it up to parents wanting to keep their children out of the woods, and the white lie being stretched too far.


Well, now he knew that there was some truth to every lie.

It had all started so casually, meeting Quackity a few times on his hunting trips - the man had been so kind and helpful, Wilbur couldn't pick up on any ill intentions from him. That led into regularly hunting together, and the hunter found the other charming. But everything nearly fell apart when those stupid werewolf hunters had tried to kill them - under the assumption Quackity was a werewolf that had turned Wilbur in order to slowly destroy the village from the inside out.

They were right about Quackity being a werewolf, but wrong about everything else. Quackity had changed, gotten them out of there and explained everything to Wilbur - and Wilbur? Well, he adjusted quite well to discovering that werewolves were real but were actually peaceful and kind. They didn't even get revenge on Wilbur's village, Quackity only left Wilbur's side to help retrieve his things.

It was the third month of winter and the second month of the year - the month of the Quickening Moon, the werewolves called it. And while Wilbur could tell it was starting to warm up, it was still very cold. That's why he remained in the main nest of the werewolf den. It was made up of so many cozy furs and warm blankets. And while the hunter missed the warmth of a fireplace, the warmer of the werewolves had repeatedly allowed him to use their own heat by cuddling up to him in their wolf form.

"Wilbur?" A gentle voice called, so soft he almost missed it.

Wilbur shifted up to look at the entrance, "Yes?"

"You're awake, good," Niki beamed at him, her red eyes practically glowing, "I brought you some food."

"Thank you, Niki," Wilbur looked down at the tray the woman carried, "Are the other's going to join?"

"Oh... they're currently eating, actually... it's a bit more raw than you'd like your meat though" Niki answered.

Which meant that they had hunted something and hadn't even bothered waiting to shift to eat, "Oh, well it's nice that you remembered me."

"Oh, Quackity was very insistent! He actually wanted to eat with you, but he got distracted by something else. He'll be back short though," Niki gave him a wink, "Anyway, I prepared you some curried lamb with barley and a braided bread loaf."

With that, Niki set down his tray of food, and giggled knowingly as she left the room. Wilbur was... suspicious at that... but Wilbur couldn't complain. Quackity had been acting odd the entire day, but if Niki was winking and giggling, it probably meant that it was something good - she had made it very clear that she was more on his side than Quackity's. So, he just enjoyed his meal, the warmth settled nicely in his stomach.

Once he was done with that, he turned his attention back to his book. It was one of the many gifts Quackity had given him during the couple of months he had been staying with Quackity's pack. It was too dangerous to leave with the self-proclaimed werewolf hunters after him, but Wilbur had asked Quackity to search the entire area for any potentially safe villages for him to potentially move into. Quackity had also offered to just turn him into a werewolf so he could stay with them permanently, and Wilbur had been considering it but hadn't agreed to anything.

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