Getting to Klayd

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Y/n P.O.V

We arrived in Klayd, and the R boy wanted to make a phone call, so Green Flash said he could. But I wanted to understand him more. I don't understand me, though, why all of a sudden I care about this R dudes life.

So I told Green Flash that I would be right back. I looked everywhere thats when I saw him at a phone line. I didn't really fully hear what he said, but I could tell he he was stressed because his voice gave it away. I snapped out of my thoughts so as you slammed the phone back on its handle. And I grabbed up courage to ask him if he was okay "Hey are you already...?" I said. He turned around with a smirk on his face. "Oh yeah, life could be any better? Need something, Cutie~"

he said back to me, and to be honest, Hem calling me all these sweet little nicknames doesn't really bother me anymore.

"N-no, just trying to make sure if you'll okay or not Haha Not that I am worried about you anything?!" I said. As I turned my head a little So he couldn't see my face heat up.. What is wrong with me? What are these feelings I'm feeling like now...ugh, this is stupid... I just wanna go home...

After a while, Green Flash found us a burn to rest for the night. I really didn't feel safe laying in a burn because I had never slept outside before....I was nowhere near the boys either. I was in my own little patch of hay...."That's not great. It doesn't look like anything is crossing the border from here, We will have to borrow some sort of vehicle tomorrow, " Green Flash said I sighed " And if we don't find a vehicle that means that we stuck walking right?" I said as I sat up in my patch of hay, looking at both R boy and Green Flash.

"Walking your Crazy did you forget how heavy this thing is?!" R boy said to Green Flash as if he was Insane. "If you get tired, I can just carry you on my back! After all, that's what strength is for right. Helping people whenever their need" Green Flash said which Honestly need me smile it's good to know some heroes actually do care...... After all, England never really has much help from heroes... " Heh, if it's rather our current situation than rather treating me like a batpack," R boy said I really don't understand him He flirts with me but yet he has his insensitivity To be so rude from time to time? " You know you don't have to be rude about it, R. I say to him. As soon as I called him R, he gave you this weird look but then smiled a little

"Still, can't figure out the rest of my name, Cutie?" He said, having a sheepish grin on his face." You know I have a name. Use it, I said, gritting my teeth. He really is trying to make it to my kill list. "Oh, I'm sorry Y/n but I much Referred to call you anything I Want~" he said as he faced the other way again.. "Oh, your name is Y/n," Green Flash asked. "Yeah, but you don't got to introduce yourself, I like calling you green, Flash," I said with a smile on my face. But of course, it was fake, The only time I ever truly smiled was with my mom and dad.....

Just then, the pink bird landed on my head "huh oh umm hi," I said to it, and it chrip at me. I thought it was cute "awww your so cute," I didn't want to take it off my head since it seemed comfortable there, so I just let it stay there, "Hey R your bird seems to like me now!?" I said to R boy, but he didn't respond. His back was still turned, so with that, we all just went to sleep.....

/Y/n's Dream\

I was running around with a bunch of kids, but We were all following one basic boy holding a toy airplane.. He was holding his little sister on his back as all the kids tried to run around him, What's weird is that their faces were all blurred, and I couldn't tell who is who... but then the boy came up to me with the Is toy airplane. And ask me if I wanted to try the airplane out.... All the kids surrounded me. I looked at all from but could not tell who they were. Why did my dreams have to be burred that I can not remember? Faces. I reached out to the boy who was giving me his airplane

 I reached out to the boy who was giving me his airplane

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/end of Y/ns dream\

I wake up to the pink bird in my face. Is chirping like crazy... It made me feel like something was wrong,

I sat up really quick. That's when I didn't see the case, and R boy was missing "NoNo!" My heart started pounding like crazy. My mind started racing. Did he take the case and run? Did he leave us for good... did he get hurt? All of these thoughts were happening at once until finally the pink bird picked my head a 1000 times. "Ouch ok, ok, I understand. I ran over two Green Flash and shook him awake "Ahh what is it?" He said, looking around.

"R Boy took the Case, and his bird wants us to find him. Let's go!!" I yelled at him.. he then picked me up and started running, following the pink bird.

"R boy, please be okay...."

"For some reason......"

"I don't want to lose you......"

Hello, this chapter I didn't really have help, but the next chapter will probably have my friends' help, so I will see you guys later. Maybe tomorrow❤️❤️❤️🫂🫂🫂

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