Meeting The Winchesters!!! (Chapter 1)

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Y/n's POV:

"Hey dad where are you going." I asked as he looked like he was in a rush to leave. "Sorry kid but I gotta help out a friend I'll be back soon," Bobby said with an upset tone. Once he said he was leaving to help out a friend but I have no clue who this friend could be. It could be John Winchester but hell if he asked my dad for help I sure as hell wasn't gonna let him go by himself. "Can I at least go with you? Please?," I asked worried. "No this is dangerous!" He said in a strong tone. 

"Do you think I care of how dangerous it is," I said raising my voice a little bit. "I said no and that's final I need you here where you're safe and you can help from here by when I call you can help me find information on things," He said raising his voice a little. "Fine!" I said annoyed that I couldn't go with him, But he left in his car and I'm stuck at the house just waiting for something to do until I get a call asking for my help for information on something.

While I am  waiting for Bobby to call me to see what information I could give them about the thing they are hunting but that time took hours. In those hours I while I waited for Bobby to call me I started coloring in some coloring books that I  got at the store earlier this week while I was on a hunt as a souvenir and for whenever I would get bored I would color. 

So I started coloring and after a few hours I got bored but hungry so I went into the kitchen grabbed a beer and sandwich stuff from the fridge to make a sandwich but before I went into the kitchen I turned on the radio and put it on full blast on one of my favorite songs "Kickstart My Heart" by Mötley Crüe. You could hear the music from all over the house and I made sure I had my phone on me incase Bobby called and once I finished making my sandwich he finally called.


I ran and turned the music down and answered. "Hello?" I asked through the phone to see who it was. "Hey kid need you to get me some info about angles," my dad had asked me I thought he was joking i never thought angles could be real. "Angles?" I asked him. "Yes angles Kylee I need you to find out what these symbols mean i just sent them to you." I got a text message which were the pictures of symbols that I've seen before but was never interested in finding out what they meant. 

"Alrighty I'll get to lookin for ya and I'll call you back when I find something," I said ready to hang up so i can get to work. "Thank you kiddo talk to ya later love ya," he said also ready to get off the phone also. "Same and love ya too," I said and hung up the phone with Bobby and went to where he keeps all the books on everything that we hunt and started looking for anything on angles and demons to find out what the symbols mean.  For hours I've been doing research and found nothing.


Bobby POV:

"Love ya!" I said waiting for her to respond. "Same and Love ya too!" She said and hung up. "You have a daughter," Sam asked me. "Yes I have a daughter and she's about y'alls age why?" I asked them wanting to know why they were asking about my baby girl. "How come we're just finding out about her," Dean asked me. "Because I would rather her hunt with me than hunt anything with you two idjits," I said firmly trying to make it known that my daughter isn't going on any hunts with them for as long as i live. "Really?" Dean asked and I said "Yes really!" 

"Where is she," Sam asked me. "At my house and yes before either ask she has lived there her whole life." I said before one of them could ask. "Does she have her own car," Dean asked. "Yes actually now enough with the questions about her if you wanna know anything else you can ask her once we get to my house," I said because I got tired of playing 20 questions about my own daughter. "Why are we going to your house Bobby," Of course Sam asked another question. "Because she's helping us." "How?" Dean asked another question at this point if they don't stop asking me a bunch of questions I'm gonna go off and end up yelling or hitting them both for asking me so many damn questions like as if I'm being interrogated or somethin. 

"By the same way I've been helping y'all by doing research and calling and tellin ya what I've found and I have no clue if she has found anything because she hasn't called me back yet," I said knowing that one of them were gonna ask, has she found anything, but i just went ahead and answered it then before it could be asked. "Well I can help her once we get there," Sam said hoping that if he helps they will end up finding something about them symbols that I sent to Y/n. 

"I don't know if she'll let ya she don't even let me help when i ask to help her with any research." I said trying to tell him that basically to not get his hopes up if he asks her and she tells him no. "Well we aren't you so she might," Dean said trying to get on my nerves. "Yeah ok we'll see about that smart ass!" I told him since I know he's probably planning something in that idjit brain of his, but after a few hours we finally got to my house.


Y/n's POV:

I heard the door open but because I was in where all the books were at and had my nose stuck in the book so deep that i didn't even pay attention that my dad got home i didn't know he was home till he yelled,"Hey kiddo I'm home!" "Hey dad I'm in the study," I said as I was still reading about angles and still trying to find out what the symbols mean. Bobby and two other men walked into the study. 

"Hey dad, and who the hell are you two?" I asked the other two men that my dad brought home I'm guessing their the friends he helped but for some reason they seem very familiar but weird familiar. "I'm Dean and this is my brother Sam," Dean said and Sam just waved as a greeting I waved back but then realized who they were. Winchesters the sons of John Winchester. 

"What do you want Winchesters?" I said annoyed that they are here asking my dad for help when their father did a lot to me when i was younger almost got me killed I lost count of how many times that has happened. 

"Wait how do you know us," Sam asked me. "Well let's just say I know you because me and your father go way back," I said trying not to say that John was a horrible uncle to me. When I say uncle I mean like John and Bobby were so close that I started looking to John as an uncle but i never knew his kids and he always wanted me to stay away from them for the reason unkown to anyone. "Wait you know our dad," Dean asked me curious.

Word Count: 1297

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