·˚ ◌༘͙ [ Chapter ㈠ ] ! ˊ

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↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺

0:00 .|────────.4:43

A long long time before the flash back in the world where monster still roam around earth hurting and scaring humans which has continue but not for long gods has blessed lucky humans with power to fight back, humans start to adapt creating ways to fight with their new found power it works at first until someone has used their power in a bad way causing a group of people who has the power of the cursed to be hated in the world their nothing but the same monster that they fight which can only lead them to survive in fear and shame.

Now lets get back to the main flash back shall we?

Let's meet isagi, isagi was just a witch one of the cursed which lives in his tree top house not engaging in any activity that will lead other to know about his role or to meet any monster that will lead him to die when he buys he will usually buy from the black market he was doing fine with his money management until he was found out by a group of holy users but they spared him even became his friend

They would usually come to visit they would come to keep their stuffs in his spacious house including their makeups , common gems , potions and many more unimportant stuff no one needing it

Isagi didn't mind at first until he saw his friends being mean to him he noted it at first but they acted kind to him when they needed to keep their stuffs so he just shrug it of they were just probably in a bad mood that time but it keep to continue until his house has no more space they just come and dump a bunch of useless stuffs in

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Isagi needs to fix this so he told his supposed to be friends about how his house is getting full and can they stop dumping stuffs in his house which made his ex-friends mad and so they snap they told him how he could've been useful and why they shouldn't have spared him they used their power destroying almost everything in his house leaving him with a ruined furniture around him and a "your lucky we are not going to snitch on your cursed role"

Isagi couldn't bare it how can they just use him like that he was extremely upset he can't help but just went to hiss room cry sleep wake up sleep wakeup sleep wakeup like a cycle only a long time until he went up to eat something

one day he dreamt he dreamt about finding new good people he saw himself being around shiny magic objects he then wake up he doesn't want to do this anymore isagi went outside side his room just to see a bunch of disaster hey at least his night lantern is still on


Isagi has made up his mind he's going to be a new person and restart his life isagi cleaned up everything including the stuffs his ex-friends gave him everything was now neat but he still needs to buy new objects that were destroy with the magic that is no longer visible in his house he reach the door a bit hesitant but grabbed the handle the door....it was hard to budged he putted a bit more of his strength to be meet with a whipping sound

In front of his door and path down the tree was covered in vines which this tree usually takes lots of years to grow one which the one he saw is a lot starting to regret isagi made his way down carefully which he succeeded and so summoned his traveling magic which he has ways since he has a power of space he can travel different ways but he has three ways he uses most

He can turning into a star as he blast to where he needs to go the second was just to ride his crescent moon which was in a normal speed and good for a nice journey without rush or the sun....which was quite hard to control since it moves in a really fast speed for if he needs to escape or was really in a rush

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1:53 ───|──────4:43

He choose to use moon it's been awhile since he's out gotta check what changed and a lot did the first thing he saw was human riding a dragon a dragon a creature who could kill you in less than five second he saw bunch of people riding dangerous creature which made him really surprised the next thing he notice was the city itself the buildings where shiny everything was full of screen there were cursed user in the screen as a celebrity and a bunch of witches ware wolf working in the street

He was shocked this wasn't the world he knew anymore but the one he was more angry with was all the materials which took his life time saving cost almost as less a common materials

Isagi was sure he came in the right directions but he still doesn't go out of his objective to get his destroyed materials and he did which was very cheap but what now the job he used to do can be all brought you could also considered that he doesn't have a job anymore but he can't give up remembering a stuff he used to make accidentally while playing around with his material

Before it was a slimy stuff so he called it slime going back he start to do his new job to be able to gain money for living instantly

But he did get hurt making it isagi tried to get the healing potion he used for the slime but the wound was fixed when he hold the slime to return it to the pot


"Did the slime just healed me !?"


Yay :) now back to reality

Isagi was still living normally making is not normal slime which still has the potions effect still no one really knows isagi but he has one costumer who pays him to much for the amount of slime since his costumer used it they said it was amazing since they don't need to drink the whole healing potion but can just placed the slime to their wounds they were his regular even if both sides doesn't know each other since isagi does delivery at night

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4:43 ─────────|4:43

Really took awhile connecting the words i hope you like the plot see you in next chapter

⋘ 𝑃𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑤𝑎𝑖𝑡...⋙

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