Signal for mutiny

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??? POV

Katsuragi: Hmm, now we won't know the character? Looks like what we're about to see is highly classified information.

The cultural festival is getting closer, but at the same time, unrelated problems arise that one way or another have to be solved. It's about changes in the Ichinose class.

The countdown to total collapse went faster than I expected. And to prevent it, you need to take action.

Ike: A cultural festival? Does this mean the school will be open to outsiders??? We will be able to meet our loved ones cheers!

Kanzaki: The breakup of the Ichinose class? Will we fail in the end...

Class B: W-What? It can't be that our class was in a bad state!

Ichinose: What should I do? Did my decisions as class leader lead us to defeat?

Ryuuen: kuku, it's only natural that the friendly class will eventually trip over their naive views and shatter into smithereens

This time it was decided not to contact Ichinose herself, the leader of their class. I concluded that first you need to change classmates under her guidance. Although this must be done with great care.

Of course, only he has sufficient abilities for this role.

Kanzaki: "It can't be.."

"I'm sorry I called you here.

After the lessons, I went to the agreed place, where Kanzaki was already waiting for me.

Class B: Kanzaki-kun?

His face was gloomy, and the atmosphere around him was clearly not conducive to pleasant, casual conversation.

- Do you have business with me?

Being in different classes, Kanzaki and I met almost immediately after entering, but we were not particularly close. Lately, he has begun to feel a clear distrust of me, and if we are talking about it, it seems that he cannot stand me.

Kanzaki: Who is this person?

It is not at all necessary that he would ignore the meeting, simply because he hates me. It is possible that he was drawn to the conversation just because of his alertness. Moreover, the chances of a meeting will increase if it is held away from prying eyes.

"I came to talk about the future.

— The future? And what's under that... Ah, never mind. Let me just say something.

Before I got down to business, Kanzaki's face changed.

I was a little surprised by his sudden outburst, but I decided to listen to him first.

"Lately, I've been having thoughts. I suffer alone, because I can not share them with anyone. - After trying to express feelings in words, he immediately corrected himself: - No, they torment - too loudly said. Every day I think about how I can go on.

There were emotions in his words that were completely uncharacteristic of the usually calm and collected Kanzaki.

Kobashi: Kanzaki-kun, if you're worried about something, you can talk about it with your classmates!

Class B: Yes! 

Kanzaki: I understand.. 

Ryuuen: What an idiot

I decided to just listen on until he asked for an answer.

"Like... what can I learn from my future school life?"

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