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"I'll give you one last chance"

The hero stepped closer to the villain, who lied on the floor, covered in blood and sweat. The boots of the hero clanked and she stepped closer. "WHERE IS SHE?!" The hero reloaded her gun and pointed it straight at the villains head.

"I DONT KNOW" the villain sobbed. He begged for mercy but the hero would never forgive him. "Bring her back.. BRING HER BACK GOD DAMNIT!" The hero bashed the side of the villain's head with the side of the gun.

"I know, we all know" the hero pointed around them, 2 people stood behind the hero, each carrying large guns. "If you don't tell me I'll slit your damn throat." The hero picked up a piece of glass lying on the floor next to them and held it up to the villain's throat. The edge of the shard pierced the villain's neck, drops of blood spilling out.

The villain breathed heavily "I'll tell you again, they took her away and now I don't know where she is." The hero sighed and lifted the glass away. The villain relaxed before stiffening again.

The hero rested a sharp chunk of steel above the villains wrist. "Tell me" the hero mumbled, "w-wha-" "TELL ME WHERE SHE IS" the hero screamed before the villain could finish. The hero pushed a little lighter but for the villain it felt like she was cutting off his hand

The villain shrieked in pain "SH-SHES IN A ROOM" the hero looked up, "TIED UP, THEIR- THEIR GETTING" The villain screamed as blood poured onto the floor. The hero put more pressure. "SHES BEING BEAT FOR INFO, INFORMATION ON YOUR PLANS" the hero lifted slightly. "LET ME GO PLEASE"

One of the heros side kicks pointed a gun to the villain's head and clicked their tongue. "We aren't finished here, where is this room." The sidekick reloaded their gun, waiting for an answer but the villain only answered when the hero pushed farther into the hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2023 ⏰

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