Ep 1

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"Are you sure you are ready for this dear?" I heard my mom asked me the same question over 6 times already "Yes, mom.. I am sure. I should be helping you make money" I said to my mother

"But dear... It's fine really! I can work and provide all our needs, I don't want anything bad to happen to you.. " she replied "No.. This is my decision and I want to stop being a burden and start helping you.. I really need to go now mom.. I don't want to be late" I said going out "okay, make sure all the things you need are in your bagpack!"

"I always do mom"

I said, putting on my noise cancelling earplugs as I went in the bus.. I prefer standing than sitting on one of those chairs.. But of course disinfecting the handle first so that I won't fall

/Time skip/

Finally arriving at the Ackerman's company building I waited the crowd to go fully in until it was my turn to

While I was waiting by sitting on of the soft couches I can't help but sense people looking at me as I fiddled with a little stress I brought with me to distract myself away from people

"Ms. Y/n L/n?" A receptionist called out
"I-i am here" I quickly stand up walking towards the female but avoiding eye contact "Mr. Ackerman is ready to see you" the female smiled and she guide me to the door, she touched my arm to which I jerked away "oh I am so sorry! I forgot you don't like Sudden touch" she apologized bowing down to me "I-its.. Okay.. " I said then she proceeds to open the door and I walked in

".....M-mr.. Ackerman? I came here to work.. As your secretary.. Uh.. Sir. "
I said

The man look up to me and observed me for a moment and I did to.. His black Raven cut and steel eyes we're burning right through my soul then I quickly look on the ground "sir... Can I please ask you to not look at me like that? "

"Tch. Whatever... Anyways.. Sit."
He said.. I thought he wanted me to sit on the floor so I was about to sit on the floor he said "What are you doing? Sit on the chair in front of me" I flushed in embarrassment "I am so sorry! It's my fault! I'm sorry" I said as I quickly sat on the chair he asked me to sit ".... Right.. You are the one who has autism.. Am I correct?" He asked me and I nodded "Yes sir"

"Tch.. How can I be so sure that you can take my orders seriously and listen to every word I say without you dozing off" he said observing my action "I will do my best to do everything you want me to do sir." I replied to him and he hummed "alright. You can start by... Here. Print this document by order the page number is already in you just have to put them from 1 to 50, got it?" He said handing me a USB "Yes sir" I stood up taking the USB before bowing down and getting out of the office "Be back here in 10 minutes!" He yelled after

'I hope I won't mess up the first day.. '

Autistic Love (Levi Ackerman x reader) Where stories live. Discover now