Tone death

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Hiccup pov

Hiccup: "Okay, gang! Stay with your teammate and lock down your specific island. This dragon hunter is sneaky."

Fishlegs: "He comes in, transfers his cargo, and slips out under the cover of darkness. Very mysterious."

Snotlout: "Very boring. Can we get to it?"

Everyone else flew away to their islands with their designated partner

Snotlout: "So, I need you to put in a good word for me, Hiccup."

Hiccup: "What? With who, Astrid?"

Snotlout: "Please. I'm so over Astrid. You can have her."

Hiccup: "Wow, thanks, I appreciate that."

Snotlout: "Anytime, I'm a giver. Listen, I know Heather's been dying to approach me but her fear's got her 'scurred'."

Hiccup: "Yeah, I don't think Heather gets 'scurred', Snotlout. Besides, I'm not sure you're ready for a woman like Heather. She's far too, uh, sincere, honest, brave."

Snotlout: "I can fake honesty, I can fake sincerity, I can fake all those things."

Hiccup: "Oh, yeah, and by the way, she's smart, too."

I said before flying away towards the island me and snotlout were supposed to guard, I looked down at toothless

Hiccup: "let's get this done and head home bud"

(y/n) pov

Currently I was in my arena, the riders went to go do a mission but it was at night and I need my sleep, I think I can speak for everyone on the island no one wants to deal with an upset a big white dragon may be easier to spot than a nightfury

I looked up at the sky, relaxing and letting my mind wander a bit

(Y/n): I haven't told anyone else but my mind's been a bit of a mess, the thought of toothless as mate is great but the thought of having to actually ask him is stressful

I tried to take my mind off it but the thought just wouldn't go away so I decided to take a small walk around the edge to try and clear my head. To be honest the areas around Fishlegs hut were pretty nice when you wanted to clear your head or be somewhere nice to think

Sometimes I'd go to his area just to admire some of the things he's made, but after a while the riders finally got back carrying something. I went over to the hangar and walked up to the dragons

(Y/n): "well, how'd the mission go"

Toothless: "it went well, managed to get a dragon egg from the hunters"

(Y/n): "well that's good, but what species is it?"

Toothless: "uh..."

(Y/n): "of course we have no idea what it is..."

Toothless: "well...we know it's a dragon egg at least"

I looked at him unamused as he gave a slight nervous chuckle, I walked away to my arena to try and get some more sleep. In the morning I was woken up by some terrible singing, I tried to cover my head which helped...slightly, but the singing wouldn't stop. I decided to take a walk on the far side of the island to escape the terrible noise but when I came back at night time the singing was still going on

Everyone was gathered at the clubhouse, I went to investigate and I saw a baby dragon screaming it's lungs out but the singing was so bad for me that hiccup had to go and make, what he called, 'ear plugs' so I could handle all the constant screeching. I could still hear but it was muffled and I couldn't really hear if someone talked low

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